Dorota Sikora
List of John Benjamins publications for which Dorota Sikora plays a role.
L’adverbial en X temps, est-il vraiment un test de télicité ? Adverbes et compléments adverbiaux / Adverbs and adverbial complements, Radimský, Jan and Ignazio Mauro Mirto (eds.), pp. 276–286 | Article
2013 The French adverbial PP en X temps is often considered telicity test. The present paper address the question of its reliability : how can we be sure that a VP is telic as long as it is compatible with en X temps ? Corpus data investigated in the article provide evidence that the supposed telicity… read more
Is the Polish Verb iść an Auxiliary to be? A Corpus-Based Study of the Construction iść + Infinitive Current Studies in Slavic Linguistics, Kor Chahine, Irina (ed.), pp. 123–138 | Article
2013 The aim of the present paper is to investigate the degree of grammaticalization displayed by the Polish verb iść ‘to go’ in its infinitive constructions. A significant number of such VP show features usually associated with ongoing auxiliarization (ambiguity in context, desemanticization, released… read more