Gladys Tang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gladys Tang plays a role.

Tang, Gladys, Joe Mak, Ka Yiu Cheng and Felix Y.B. Sze 2023 Chapter 12. Developing an inventory of handshapes, locations, and movements in Hong Kong Sign LanguageAdvances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics, Wehrmeyer, Ella (ed.), pp. 309–352 | Chapter
In this chapter, we describe how we incorporate the Prosodic Model (Brentari 1998), especially the concept of a hierarchy of nodes with features, into a template for feature coding of sign entries in a lexical database, and how we make use of the features to organize learner’s dictionaries of… read more
This chapter offers an overview of sign bilingual education and some of the complex issues and challenges that impacted the evolution of sign bilingual practices in Europe, Australia and Asia. One such challenge is the promotion of inclusive education in recent years, which triggers a new thinking… read more
Sze, Felix Y.B. and Gladys Tang 2018 R-impersonals in Hong Kong Sign LanguageImpersonal human reference in Sign Languages, Barberà, Gemma and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (eds.), pp. 284–306 | Article
This paper discusses R-impersonals in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL). As evidenced in our questionnaire and conversation data, R-impersonals in HKSL typically make use of null forms, the non-specific indefinite determiner (i.e., onedet-path (someone)/onedet-path (anyone)), distinguished by… read more
Tang, Gladys, Felix Y.B. Sze and Scholastica Wai Sze Lam 2007 Acquisition of Simultaneous Constructions by Deaf Children of Hong Kong Sign LanguageSimultaneity in Signed Languages: Form and function, Vermeerbergen, Myriam, Lorraine Leeson and Onno A. Crasborn (eds.), pp. 283–316 | Article