Frank Brisard
List of John Benjamins publications for which Frank Brisard plays a role.
Online Resources
E-ISSN 1877-9646
Book series
Handbook of Pragmatics: 27th Annual Installment
Edited by Mieke Vandenbroucke, Jana Declercq, Frank Brisard and Sigurd D’hondt
[Handbook of Pragmatics, 27] 2024. xiv, 238 pp. + index
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Handbook of Pragmatics: 26th Annual Installment
Edited by Sigurd D’hondt, Pedro Gras, Mieke Vandenbroucke and Frank Brisard
[Handbook of Pragmatics, 26] 2023. xiii, 187 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Handbook of Pragmatics: 25th Annual Installment
Edited by Frank Brisard, Sigurd D’hondt, Pedro Gras and Mieke Vandenbroucke
[Handbook of Pragmatics, 25] 2022. xiii, 256 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
The Wealth and Breadth of Construction-Based Research
Edited by Timothy Colleman, Frank Brisard, Astrid De Wit, Renata Enghels, Nikos Koutsoukos, Tanja Mortelmans and María Sol Sansiñena
[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 34] 2020. vii, 382 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics
Cognitive Approaches to Tense, Aspect, and Epistemic Modality
Edited by Adeline Patard and Frank Brisard
[Human Cognitive Processing, 29] 2011. ix, 319 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Grammar, Meaning and Pragmatics
Edited by Frank Brisard, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren
[Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights, 5] 2009. xiii, 308 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax
Seduction, Community, Speech: A Festschrift for Herman Parret
Edited by Frank Brisard, Michael Meeuwis and Bart Vandenabeele
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 127] 2004. vi, 202 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Pragmatics
Bibliography of Pragmatics Online
Edited by Frank Brisard, Michael Meeuwis and Jef Verschueren
[Online Resources Collection, BoP] 2003. Over 50.000 records
Subjects Bibliographies in linguistics | Electronic/Multimedia Products | Pragmatics
Chapter 8. Quotative
constructions in Spanish: A constructional variational approach Constructions in Spanish, Hennecke, Inga and Evelyn Wiesinger (eds.), pp. 193–223 | Chapter
2023 Construction Grammar is a theoretical approach amenable to accommodating any conventional feature of the meaning or form of a construction as part of its description, including lectal information. This paper provides a constructional analysis of the quotative
construction in… read more
Semantic polyfunctionality and constructional networks: On insubordinate subjunctive complement constructions in Spanish Constructional Approach(es) to Discourse-Level Phenomena: Theoretical challenges and empirical advances, Enghels, Renata and María Sol Sansiñena (eds.), pp. 82–125 | Article
2021 This paper offers an analysis of insubordinate subjunctive complement clauses (ISCs) in Spanish and aims to contribute to the general debate in Construction Grammar on how to deal with a highly pragmatically specified surface form that expresses several meanings. We explore whether the meanings… read more
Introduction: The wealth and breadth of construction-based research The Wealth and Breadth of Construction-Based Research, Colleman, Timothy, Frank Brisard, Astrid De Wit, Renata Enghels, Nikos Koutsoukos, Tanja Mortelmans and María Sol Sansiñena (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Introduction
2020 Zero verb marking in Sranan Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 29:1, pp. 1–48 | Article
2014 In the Surinamese creole language Sranan, verbs in finite clauses that lack overt TMA-marking are often considered to be ambiguous between past and present interpretations (depending on the lexical aspect of the verb involved) or analyzed as having a perfective value. We claim that these verbs are… read more
A contrastive analysis of the present progressive in French and English Studies in Language 37:4, pp. 846–879 | Article
2013 In this study, we address the semantics of the present progressive constructions in French and English by looking into their present-day uses and their diachronic evolution. Corpus data show that both constructions are frequently used in contemporary English and French to stress the atypical nature… read more
H.P. Grice Philosophical Perspectives for Pragmatics, Sbisà, Marina, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 104–124 | Article
2011 Introduction: Cognitive approaches to tense, aspect, and epistemic modality Cognitive Approaches to Tense, Aspect, and Epistemic Modality, Patard, Adeline and Frank Brisard (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article
Introduction: Meaning and use in grammar Grammar, Meaning and Pragmatics, Brisard, Frank, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 1–15 | Miscellaneous
2009 Adaptability Key Notions for Pragmatics, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 28–47 | Article
2009 Ordinaty time Seduction, Community, Speech: A Festschrift for Herman Parret, Brisard, Frank, Michael Meeuwis and Bart Vandenabeele (eds.), pp. 25–41 | Chapter
2004 Introduction: Mind the gap: Pragmatics and cognition today Seduction, Community, Speech: A Festschrift for Herman Parret, Brisard, Frank, Michael Meeuwis and Bart Vandenabeele (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Miscellaneous
2004 Adaptability Handbook of Pragmatics: 2002 Installment, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Article
2003 H.P. Grice Handbook of Pragmatics: 2000 Installment, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Article
2002 Processing Polysemous, Homonymous, and Vague Adjectives Polysemy in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected papers from the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, 1997, Cuyckens, Hubert and Britta E. Zawada (eds.), pp. 261–284 | Article
2001 The English Tense-System as an Epistemic Category: The Case of Futurity Lexical and Syntactical Constructions and the Construction of Meaning: Proceedings of the bi-annual ICLA meeting in Albuquerque, July 1995, Verspoor, Marjolijn H., Kee Dong Lee and Eve Sweetser (eds.), pp. 271–286 | Article