Mirka Rauniomaa

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mirka Rauniomaa plays a role.


Interacting with Objects: Language, materiality, and social activity

Edited by Maurice Nevile, Pentti Haddington, Trine Heinemann and Mirka Rauniomaa

[Not in series, 186] 2014. vii, 393 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Industrial & organizational studies | Interaction Studies | Pragmatics
Siitonen, Pauliina, Marika Helisten, Maarit Siromaa, Mirka Rauniomaa and Mari Holmström 2022 Managing co-presence with a wave of the hand: Waving as an interactional resource in openings and closings of video-mediated breaks from workGesture 21:1, pp. 82–114 | Article
The article examines naturally-occuring video-mediated breaks from work as social activity and focuses on the use of waving gestures in their openings and closings. Drawing on multimodal conversation analysis as a research method and recorded virtual breaks of two work communities in Finland as… read more
Rauniomaa, Mirka, Tiina Keisanen and Pauliina Siitonen 2021 Shared understandings of the human–nature relationship in encounters with small wildlifeIntersubjectivity in Action: Studies in language and social interaction, Lindström, Jan K., Ritva Laury, Anssi Peräkylä and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 201–230 | Chapter
Drawing on video data and ethnomethodological conversation analysis, the study focuses on sequences of human action and interaction in which participants orient to small wildlife within their nature-related activities outdoors. The participants are family members, friends or participants on… read more
Rauniomaa, Mirka 2017 Chapter 11. Assigning roles and responsibilities: Finnish imperatively formatted directive actions in a mobile instructional settingImperative Turns at Talk: The design of directives in action, Sorjonen, Marja-Leena, Liisa Raevaara and Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (eds.), pp. 325–355 | Chapter
The study examines turns-at-talk with which a participant directs another in a mobile instructional setting, i.e., directive actions produced by an instructor to a student during a driving session. The data comprise video recordings from voluntary training for car drivers who have a valid… read more
Keisanen, Tiina, Mirka Rauniomaa and Pentti Haddington 2014 Suspending action: From simultaneous to consecutive ordering of multiple courses of actionMultiactivity in Social Interaction: Beyond multitasking, Haddington, Pentti, Tiina Keisanen, Lorenza Mondada and Maurice Nevile (eds.), pp. 109–134 | Article
This paper examines the interactional management of multiple on-going activities via the use of ‘suspension’. We discuss one practice used in achieving suspension, an action combination where items such as wait or hang on first identify on-going or emerging multiactivity and are followed by talk… read more
Nevile, Maurice, Pentti Haddington, Trine Heinemann and Mirka Rauniomaa 2014 On the interactional ecology of objectsInteracting with Objects: Language, materiality, and social activity, Nevile, Maurice, Pentti Haddington, Trine Heinemann and Mirka Rauniomaa (eds.), pp. 3–26 | Article
The empirical studies of this book examine how objects feature in the momentto-moment conduct of social interaction and activity. The studies draw on naturally occurring data, video recordings of people interacting with one another as they engage with objects for a wide range of purposes, across… read more
Rauniomaa, Mirka and Trine Heinemann 2014 Organising the soundscape: Participants’ orientation to impending sound when turning on auditory objects in interactionInteracting with Objects: Language, materiality, and social activity, Nevile, Maurice, Pentti Haddington, Trine Heinemann and Mirka Rauniomaa (eds.), pp. 145–168 | Article
This chapter examines two auditory objects, i.e. devices that produce sounds when in use: audio entertainment systems and vacuum cleaners. Despite their apparent differences, both objects raise similar relevancies for how and when they are employed. The chapter demonstrates that participants treat… read more