Marloes Oomen
List of John Benjamins publications for which Marloes Oomen plays a role.
Chapter 2. Negative Concord in Sign Language of the Netherlands: A journey through a corpus Advances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics, Wehrmeyer, Ella (ed.), pp. 30–65 | Chapter
2023 In a Negative Concord (NC) configuration, two negative elements co-occur in a clause but the polarity of that clause still remains negative. NC involving two manual negators has been observed in various sign languages, but relevant examples are usually presented in the context of broader… read more
Recurring iconic mapping patterns within and across verb types in German Sign Language Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems, Lenninger, Sara, Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg and Elżbieta Tabakowska (eds.), pp. 289–328 | Chapter
2022 Many sign languages around the world have the same tripartite verb classification system based on agreement properties, and it has previously been observed that this system is at least partially semantically grounded. In this article, the extent to which iconicity plays a mediating role in this… read more
Iconicity in argument structure: Psych-verbs in Sign Language of the Netherlands Sign Language & Linguistics 20:1, pp. 55–108 | Article
2017 A long tradition of psych-verb research in spoken languages has demonstrated that they constitute a class of their own, both semantically and syntactically. This study presents a description and analysis of psych-verbs in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) in order to investigate whether… read more