Aatu Liimatta

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aatu Liimatta plays a role.

Liimatta, Aatu 2024 Text length and short texts: An overview of the problemChallenges in Corpus Linguistics: Rethinking corpus compilation and analysis, Kaunisto, Mark and Marco Schilk (eds.), pp. 106–125 | Chapter
Variation in text length is an unavoidable confounder in quantitative text-analytic corpus-linguistic studies. Texts can be difficult to compare across text lengths, particularly if many of them are short, due to the difficulty of calculating meaningful frequencies for the lexical items and… read more
This paper explores variation in lexico-grammatical register features across text lengths in a large-scale sample of Reddit comments. Very short texts are known to be problematic for many statistical methods, so understanding their nature is important for the corpus-linguistic study of social… read more
Liimatta, Aatu 2022 Do registers have different functions for text length? A case study of RedditRegister and social media, Clarke, Isobelle and Jack Grieve (eds.), pp. 263–287 | Article
Similar to lexical and grammatical choices, the length of a text is also guided by situational constraints and functional needs. Consequently, texts of different lengths are associated with different communicative functions. This study explores the role of register in the functions which are… read more
Liimatta, Aatu 2020 Chapter 5. Using lengthwise scaling to compare feature frequencies across text lengths on RedditCorpus Approaches to Social Media, Rüdiger, Sofia and Daria Dayter (eds.), pp. 111–130 | Chapter
Texts of different lengths can be difficult to compare using quantitative methods. This is particularly true if many of the texts are extremely short, as is commonly the case with social media comments, where the median text length may be only a few dozen words. In this paper, I explore… read more
While the language of the internet has been an increasingly popular research topic, there remain many understudied areas and topics which deserve more attention. This study explores register variation within the social media website Reddit using the multi-dimensional approach developed by… read more