Marta Tagliani

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marta Tagliani plays a role.


Tagliani, Marta and Jelena Živojinović 2023 Chapter 4. Tracking Jespersen’s cycle in Veronese and Bresciano: Diatopic variation in sentential negationDifferent Slants on Grammaticalization, Hancil, Sylvie and Vittorio Tantucci (eds.), pp. 104–123 | Chapter
This article provides an insight in the expression of sentential negation in two Italo-Romance varieties, i.e., Bresciano and Veronese. The fieldwork data gathered in Lumezzane (BS), Brescia, San Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) and Nogara (VR) shows an intriguing range of variation. The Veronese… read more
Language change can be conceptualized as a cyclical process of continuous renewal of the involved elements which somehow change their nature, with respect to phonological or lexico-grammatical features. A crucial aspect of such diachronic evolution is that cyclical change takes place… read more