Jens Brockmeier

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jens Brockmeier plays a role.


Narrative and Identity: Studies in Autobiography, Self and Culture

Edited by Jens Brockmeier and Donal Carbaugh

[Studies in Narrative, 1] 2001. vi, 307 pp.
Subjects Consciousness research | Discourse studies | Narrative Studies | Pragmatics | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Medved, Maria I. and Jens Brockmeier 2017 Chapter 16. A kind of work: Narratives from Canadian indigenous womenIdentity Struggles: Evidence from workplaces around the world, Van De Mieroop, Dorien and Stephanie Schnurr (eds.), pp. 299–316 | Chapter
What is work for present day indigenous women living on reserve and how does it affect the way they perceive their identities? In our chapter we explore notions and practices of work that were investigated during various research projects involving First Nations women living on… read more
Brockmeier, Jens 2013 Fact and fiction: Exploring the narrative mindThe Travelling Concepts of Narrative, Hatavara, Mari, Lars-Christer Hydén and Matti Hyvärinen (eds.), pp. 121–140 | Article
Building on an unified approach to literary and the everyday, written and oral (or otherwise performed) narrative, this chapter gets its bearings from a hermeneutic notion of narrative as a psychologically fundamental practice of human meaning construction, a practice that cuts across the putative… read more
Medved, Maria I. and Jens Brockmeier 2010 Weird stories: Brain, mind, and selfBeyond Narrative Coherence, Hyvärinen, Matti, Lars-Christer Hydén, Marja Saarenheimo and Maria Tamboukou (eds.), pp. 17–32 | Article
In the literature on autobiographical narrative, self, and identity construction, many researchers have taken narrative coherence as an important feature that reflects and shapes identity and sense of self. Commonly, this feature is defined and assessed in isolation, as if at stake were an… read more
Brockmeier, Jens 2004 Possible livesConsidering Counter-Narratives: Narrating, resisting, making sense, Bamberg, Michael and Molly Andrews (eds.), pp. 323–333 | Article
Brockmeier, Jens 2002 Possible LivesNarrative Inquiry 12:2, pp. 455–466 | Miscellaneous
Brockmeier, Jens and Donal Carbaugh 2001 Chapter 1. IntroductionNarrative and Identity: Studies in Autobiography, Self and Culture, Brockmeier, Jens and Donal Carbaugh (eds.), pp. 1–22 | Chapter
Brockmeier, Jens and Rom Harré 2001 Chapter 3. Narrative: Problems and promises of an alternative paradigmNarrative and Identity: Studies in Autobiography, Self and Culture, Brockmeier, Jens and Donal Carbaugh (eds.), pp. 39–58 | Chapter
Freeman, Mark and Jens Brockmeier 2001 Chapter 5. Narrative integrity: Autobiographical identity and the meaning of the “good life”Narrative and Identity: Studies in Autobiography, Self and Culture, Brockmeier, Jens and Donal Carbaugh (eds.), pp. 75–99 | Chapter
Brockmeier, Jens 2000 Autobiographical TimeNarrative Identity, Bamberg, Michael and Allyssa McCabe, pp. 51–73 | Article
Recently, a number of studies have drawn attention to the narrative fabric of autobiographical identity construction. In this process, time plays a pivotal role, both as a structure and object of construction. In telling our lives, we deal not only with the classical time modalities of past,… read more