Paul William Tench
List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul William Tench plays a role.
Dodson’s classroom experiments in pronunciation Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 4:1, pp. 154–157 | Commentary
Carlos Gussenhoven. The phonology of tone and intonation Functions of Language 14:2, pp. 261–277 | Miscellaneous
2007 Processes of semogenesis in English intonation Functions of Language 10:2, pp. 209–234 | Article
2003 Semogenesis, the creation of meaning, has been promoted by Halliday & Matthiessen (1999) as a ‘guiding principle’ in their presentation of a systemic functional theory of language — that language has within itself the resources by which people can create new meanings. Halliday & Matthiessen… read more
The fall and rise of the level tone in English Functions of Language 4:1, pp. 1–22 | Article
1997 The paper presents an observation of an intonation pattern that is current in British and American English but which has not received any attention in standard descriptions: a low pitched pretonic followed by a mid level tone. The proposal to be made here is that it systematically carries the… read more
Charles W. Kreidler. Describing Spoken English: An Introduction Functions of Language 4:2, pp. 310–312 | To be specified