Peter Broeder

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Broeder plays a role.

As a result of European unification and a fast globalising world, classrooms have become increasingly multilingual and multicultural. This diversity may impair learning processes, since pupils acquire cognitively based literacy competencies, such 'classify and label', 'analyze and explain', by… read more
This study compares pronominal possessive constructions in Dutch first language (L1) acquisition, second language (L2) acquisition by young children, and untutored L2 acquisition by adults. The L2 learners all have Turkish as L1. In longitudinal spontaneous speech data for four L1 learners, seven… read more
Aarts, Rian en Peter Broeder 2004 Een Taalportfolio Voor Docenten In Het BasisonderwijsKijk op schrijven in T1 en T2, pp. 75–88 | Article
This article focuses on the development of a language portfolio for teachers in primaty education. Portfolios are being used more and more in education, particularly in higher education. But also in primary education, a language portfolio for pupils (which has been accredited by the European… read more
From 1989 until 1997 the project Language Learning/or European Citizenship was carried out under the auspices of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. In this project two instruments were developed. The first instrument is the European Framework of Reference. This is a kind of language scale… read more
Owing to processes of migration and minorization, the Netherlands is increasingly developing into a multicultural society. Litde information, however, is available about the actual composition of this multicultural society. Statistics on immigrant minority groups are commonly based on nationality… read more
The following questions are taken into account: . what types of word formation principles are used by language learners? . what lexemes are combined in nominal compounds (N+N) and nomi-nal circumscriptions (N+prep+N)? . what semantic relations are expressed in nominal compounds? . what binding… read more
Bot, Kees de, Peter Broeder en Ludo Verhoeven 1985 Het Meten van Culturele Oriëntatie in Relatie met Taalvaardigheid.Nederlands als tweede taal, pp. 33–49 | Article
Recently, numerous studies evaluating bilingual education programs have shown that cultural orientation and language attitude play an important role in achieving sufficient proficiency in both first and second language. Despite a long tradition . of research in the field of attitude measurement, no… read more