Miok D. Pak
List of John Benjamins publications for which Miok D. Pak plays a role.
Towards understanding the syntactic representation of honorifics in Korean Honorific language and linguistic politeness in Korean, Whitman, John and Lucien Brown (eds.), pp. 132–166 | Article
2015 One of the salient features of the Korean language is honorifics. Two kinds of honorifics have been discussed in the literature, subject honorific and addressee honorific. The subject honorific is characterized by honorific markers on the subject and predicate. The addressee honorific is usually… read more
Types of Clauses and Sentence end Particles in Korean Korean Linguistics 14, pp. 113–156 | Article
2008 Abstract. It is well known that Korean marks clauses through the particles that occur at the end of sentences and also that there are many clause types. One can find as many as eleven clause types proposed in the literature. In this paper I examine all proposed sentence types and sentence end… read more
Agreement in Promissive, Imperative, and Exhortative Clauses Korean Linguistics 14, pp. 157–175 | Article
2008 Abstract. One of the unique features of Korean is that it marks sentences used to promise with the same grammatical mechanism - a paradigm of sentence final particles - with which it marks other clause types, like declaratives, interrogatives, and imperatives. In this paper we investigate this… read more
Syntax and Morphology of Temporal-Aspectual Constructions in Korean Korean Linguistics 12, pp. 55–97 | Article
Abstract. Verbal nouns in Korean exhibit properties of both nouns and verbs in that they assign both verbal and nominal cases to the arguments. Such mixed categorial behavior of verbal nouns is manifest only in certain environments, namely in the complement position of ha (a so-called light… read more