Tiago Timponi Torrent

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tiago Timponi Torrent plays a role.

Construction Grammar across Borders

Edited by Tiago Timponi Torrent, Ely Edison da Silva Matos and Natália Sathler Sigiliano

[Benjamins Current Topics, 122] 2022. v, 174 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Construction Grammar across Borders

Edited by Tiago Timponi Torrent, Ely Edison da Silva Matos and Natália Sathler Sigiliano

Special issue of Constructions and Frames 12:1 (2020) v, 169 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Functional linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Constructicography: Constructicon development across languages

Edited by Benjamin Lyngfelt, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara and Tiago Timponi Torrent

[Constructional Approaches to Language, 22] 2018. viii, 313 pp.
Subjects Lexicography | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Frames, constructions, and computation

Edited by Lars Borin, Gerard de Melo, Karin Friberg Heppin and Tiago Timponi Torrent

Special issue of Constructions and Frames 6:1 (2014) v, 135 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Functional linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Czulo, Oliver, Alexander Willich, Alexander Ziem and Tiago Timponi Torrent 2023 A multilingual approach to the interaction between frames and constructions: Towards a joint framework and methodologyConstructions and Frames 15:1, pp. 59–90 | Article
The comparison of constructions across languages faces a major challenge: Both similarities and differences can appear on the whole scale from form to meaning. In this paper, we propose an approach combining the descriptive and explanatory power of Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics by… read more
Torrent, Tiago Timponi, Ely Edison da Silva Matos and Natália Sathler Sigiliano 2022 Construction grammar across bordersConstruction Grammar across Borders, Torrent, Tiago Timponi, Ely Edison da Silva Matos and Natália Sathler Sigiliano (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Chapter
Torrent, Tiago Timponi, Ely Edison da Silva Matos and Natália Sathler Sigiliano 2020 Construction grammar across bordersConstruction Grammar across Borders, Torrent, Tiago Timponi, Ely Edison da Silva Matos and Natália Sathler Sigiliano (eds.), pp. 1–7 | Introduction
Lyngfelt, Benjamin, Tiago Timponi Torrent, Adrieli Laviola, Linnéa Bäckström, Anna Helga Hannesdóttir and Ely Edison da Silva Matos 2018 Chapter 9. Aligning constructicons across languages: A trilingual comparison between English, Swedish, and Brazilian PortugueseConstructicography: Constructicon development across languages, Lyngfelt, Benjamin, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 255–302 | Chapter
This chapter addresses interlingual relations between constructions. The perspective is contrastive rather than typological, with an aim towards multilingual constructicon development. Building on previous work on the alignment of frame-based multilingual lexical databases, we explore possibilities… read more
Torrent, Tiago Timponi, Ely Edison da Silva Matos, Ludmila Meireles Lage, Adrieli Laviola, Tatiane da Silva Tavares, Vânia Gomes de Almeida and Natália Sathler Sigiliano 2018 Chapter 4. Towards continuity between the lexicon and the constructicon in FrameNet BrasilConstructicography: Constructicon development across languages, Lyngfelt, Benjamin, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 107–140 | Chapter
This chapter presents the theoretical discussion, analytical procedures, and corresponding computational implementations carried out by FrameNet Brasil to take the principle of the continuity between grammar and the lexicon to the computational domain by deeply integrating two frame-based resources… read more
Torrent, Tiago Timponi 2015 On the relation between inheritance and change: The Constructional Convergence and the Construction Network Reconfiguration HypothesesDiachronic Construction Grammar, Barðdal, Jóhanna, Elena Smirnova, Lotte Sommerer and Spike Gildea (eds.), pp. 173–212 | Article
This work addresses the relation between inheritance and change in the framework of Diachronic Construction Grammar. Given that change is commonly thought of as a linear unidirectional path and inheritance relations tend to be organized in a multidirectional radial fashion, I propose two hypotheses… read more
Borin, Lars, Gerard de Melo, Karin Friberg Heppin and Tiago Timponi Torrent 2014 Constructions and frames meet language technology: From the guest editors of the C&F special issue on frames, constructions, and computationFrames, constructions, and computation, Borin, Lars, Gerard de Melo, Karin Friberg Heppin and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Torrent, Tiago Timponi, Ludmila Meireles Lage, Thais Fernandes Sampaio, Tatiane da Silva Tavares and Ely Edison da Silva Matos 2014 Revisiting border conflicts between FrameNet and Construction Grammar: Annotation policies for the Brazilian Portuguese ConstructiconFrames, constructions, and computation, Borin, Lars, Gerard de Melo, Karin Friberg Heppin and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 34–51 | Article
This paper proposes three policies for the annotation of constructions in FrameNet Brasil, and, potentially, in other FrameNets. Annotation policies are defined so as to both avoid uncontrolled redundancy in the database and respect the theoretical and methodological foundations of Frame Semantics… read more
Torrent, Tiago Timponi, Maria Margarida Martins Salomão, Ely Edison da Silva Matos, Maucha Andrade Gamonal, Júlia Gonçalves, Bruno Pereira de Souza, Daniela Simões Gomes and Simone Rodrigues Peron-Corrêa 2014 Multilingual lexicographic annotation for domain-specific electronic dictionaries: The Copa 2014 FrameNet Brasil projectFrames, constructions, and computation, Borin, Lars, Gerard de Melo, Karin Friberg Heppin and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 73–91 | Article
This paper reports on the development of a domain-specific multilingual electronic dictionary covering the domains of soccer, tourism and the World Cup: the Copa 2014 FrameNet Brasil project. Specifically, we discuss three points: (i) the definition of the tourism frames and their deployment as… read more