This paper reports on a study in which subjects were asked to distinguish translations from originally produced (non-translated) texts. The aim was to identify the linguistic features shared by texts assumed to be translations, as well as those shared by texts assumed to be originally produced. The… read more
Tirkkonen-Condit, Sonja, Jukka Mäkisalo, Riitta Jääskeläinen, Mirja Kalasniemi and Pekka Kujamäki 2001 Do we need a shared ground?Target 13:2, pp. 339–343 | Discussion
Instead of taking a stand on the individual theses presented by Andrew Chesterman (AC) and Rosemary Arrojo (RA), we will focus on the rationale of the three questions that they have chosen as sub-headings for their paper. The questions are: (1) What is Translation? (2) Why is This (Kind of)… read more
This paper suggests that a linguistic analysis of TAPs elicited by authentic-like translation briefs might reveal differences in existing or potential translational proficiency. A distinction is made between addressee-oriented and addressee-free verbalisations, and in focus are evaluative… read more