Jane Torr
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jane Torr plays a role.
The emergence of grammatical metaphor: Literacy-oriented expressions in the everyday speech of young children Grammatical Metaphor: Views from systemic functional linguistics, Simon-Vandenbergen, Anne-Marie, Miriam Taverniers and Louise J. Ravelli (eds.), pp. 169–183 | Article
2003 The development of modality in the pre-school years: Language as a vehicle for understanding possibilities and obligations in everyday life Functions of Language 5:2, pp. 157–178 | Article
1998 Modality is a particularly interesting area developmentally, as it is concerned with the child's evaluation of the possibilities and obligations involved in everyday interpersonal encounters. This paper will present the findings of a longitudinal case study of one child's development of modality… read more
Classroom discourse: Children from English speaking and non-English speaking backgrounds Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 16:1, pp. 37–56 | Article
1993 This paper discusses some of the results of a pilot study of spontaneous teacher/child discourse in two Year 1 Sydney classrooms (children aged 6 and 7 years). The two classrooms differed greatly in terms of their ethnic composition; in one class, the majority of children came from non-English… read more