Gordon H. Tucker

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gordon H. Tucker plays a role.

Tucker, Gordon H. 2014 Giving it my best shot: Towards a coherent functional analysis of metaphorically-derived processes with particular attention to the ‘light verb’ expressionsTheory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space, Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez and Francisco Gonzálvez-García (eds.), pp. 33–52 | Article
In this article I explore the extent to which the analysis of metaphoricallyderivedexpressions, such as “give someone a hug”, differs from that assigned tothe prototypical sense associated with the main verb in question. Taking expressionsinvolving the verb “give”, I consider a range of semantic… read more
In this paper I seek to provide a grammatical account of some aspects of the realisation of speech acts in spoken discourse that are considered formulaic and/or, in some sense elliptical, as described in Biber et al’s (1999) description of the ‘grammar of conversation’. Focusing on apologies… read more
Tucker, Gordon H. 2001 Possibly alternative modalityAspects of “Interpersonal Grammar”: Grounding, modality, and evidentiality, Davidse, Kristin and Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen (eds.), pp. 183–215 | Article
Despite the recognition of secondary ‘modal’ resources such as modal adjectives and adverbs, there has been relatively little discussion of the full extent of their contribution to the expression of modal meaning in general. In this corpus-based study, I focus exclusively on the adverb possibly and… read more
Tucker, Gordon H. 1998 Quality choice and quality controlLinguistic Choice across Genres: Variation in spoken and written English, Sánchez-Macarro, Antonia and Ronald Carter (eds.), pp. 217–238 | Article
Tucker, Gordon H. 1997 A functional lexicogrammar of adjectivesFunctions of Language 4:2, pp. 215–250 | Article
This paper addresses the modelling of lexis within the framework of systemic functional grammar (SFG). Following Halliday's original notion of lexis as 'most delicate grammar', it is argued within SFG that there is no sharp distinction between structure and lexis. Instead, both aspects of… read more
Tucker, Gordon H. 1996 So Grammarians Haven’t the Faintest Idea?: Reconciling grammar and lexis in a systemic functional model of languageFunctional Descriptions: Theory in practice, Hasan, Ruqaiya †, Carmel Cloran and David Butt (eds.), pp. 145–178 | Article