G. Richard Tucker

List of John Benjamins publications for which G. Richard Tucker plays a role.

This chapter examines the roles of: (a) ethnic identity, (b) participation in a Japanese heritage language (JHL) school, and (c) the perceived vitality of the local Japanese community in California in promoting learners’ proficiency in Japanese. Questionnaires were given to 31 JHL learners, from… read more
Tucker, G. Richard, Richard Donato and Kimmaree Murday 2001 The genesis of a district-wide Spanish FLES program: A collaborative achievementNew Perspectives and Issues in Educational Language Policy: In honour of Bernard Dov Spolsky, Cooper, Robert L., Elana Shohamy and Joel Walters (eds.), pp. 235–259 | Article
In this paper, we describe the systematic planning and subsequent implementation of a new system-wide Spanish program at the primary level in one of the school districts in suburban Pittsburgh, PA. We discuss the steps involved in selecting the target language — involving community, teacher, and… read more
Tucker, G. Richard 1990 An Overview of Applied LinguisticsLearning, Keeping and Using Language: Selected papers from the Eighth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, 16–21 August 1987, Halliday, M.A.K. †, John Gibbons and Howard Nicholas (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Article