Nicholas Brownlees

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nicholas Brownlees plays a role.

Brownlees, Nicholas 2017 Chapter 4. Contemporary observations on the attention value and selling power of English print advertisements (1700–1760)Diachronic Developments in English News Discourse, Palander-Collin, Minna, Maura Ratia and Irma Taavitsainen (eds.), pp. 61–79 | Chapter
One of the most distinctive features of the early eighteenth-century English press was the substantial increase in advertisements. This increase in advertising did not go unnoticed by the leading writers of the day. Addison, Steele, Fielding and Johnson all comment on advertising discourse and its… read more
Brownlees, Nicholas 2017 “He tells us that”: Strategies of reporting adversarial news in the English Civil WarHistorical (socio)pragmatics at present, Włodarczyk, Matylda and Irma Taavitsainen (eds.), pp. 235–251 | Article
In this paper, I examine a form of argumentation employed by one of the most prominent parliamentarian news pamphlets of the English Civil War (1642–1649). The pamphlet in question is Mercurius Britanicus. It was founded to counter through its pages the news that was being published in Mercurius… read more
This contribution examines metatextual comment in 17th-century periodical news publications. Periodical news publication was a new genre and those involved in its production had to determine the language they should use in the writing up of such news. In the article I analyze the terminology… read more
Brownlees, Nicholas 2012 Reporting the news in English and Italian diplomatic correspondenceLetter Writing in Late Modern Europe, Dossena, Marina and Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotti (eds.), pp. 121–138 | Article
This contribution examines at both a textual superstructure and semantic macrostructural level (van Dijk 1985; 1988) two sets of diplomatic newsletters that envoys sent back to their respective Secretary of State at the turn of the eighteenth century. The first set of original manuscripts consists… read more