Harald Ulland

List of John Benjamins publications for which Harald Ulland plays a role.



À la recherche de la prédication: Autour des syntagmes prépositionnels

Sous la direction de Christiane Marque-Pucheu, Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa, Peter A. Machonis et Harald Ulland

[Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa, 32] 2016. xiii, 200 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Ulland, Harald et Sébastien Paumier 2006 Analyse automatique des mots polylexicaux en norvégienLingvisticæ Investigationes 28:2, pp. 255–281 | Article
In some Germanic languages, like Norwegian, words can be produced by concatenation of other words. When these compound words are frozen expressions, we just have to list them into dictionaries. When they are free combinations, on the other hand, their productivity makes it impossible to describe… read more
Ulland, Harald 2001 La question de la détermination nominale dans la traduction automatique norvégien–françaisDétermination et Formalisation, Blanco, Xavier, Pierre-André Buvet et Zoé Gavriilidou (dir.), pp. 327–340 | Article
Although many frequency dictionaries of French words have been published over the past decades, they rarely include fixed expressions and idioms. I therefore view it as an important task to try to compile a frequency dictionary of French locutions verbales (fixed expressions of the predicate type).… read more