Nadav Matalon

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nadav Matalon plays a role.


Large conversational activities (e.g., storytelling) necessitate a suspension of ordinary turn-taking rules. In the resulting constellation of main speaker and recipient, minimal displays of cooperative recipiency become relevant at particular junctures. We investigate this mechanism by focusing… read more
Matalon, Nadav 2021 Chapter 6. The Camel Humps prosodic pattern: Listing for disaffiliating in spoken HebrewBuilding Categories in Interaction: Linguistic resources at work, Mauri, Caterina, Ilaria Fiorentini and Eugenio Goria (eds.), pp. 155–186 | Chapter
This chapter presents an analysis of a common prosodic pattern in spoken Hebrew. The pattern is characterized by a repetition of high rise-fall pitch movements, which visualize as successive “humps” in the pitch curve.1 Based on analysis of naturally occurring conversations, I show that speakers… read more