Nicole Ummelen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nicole Ummelen plays a role.


Hooijdonk, Charlotte van, Fons Maes and Nicole Ummelen 2006 'I have been here before': An investigation into spatial verbalizations in hypertext navigationText features which enable cognitive strategies during text comprehension, Oostendorp, Herre van (ed.), pp. 8–21 | Article
We conducted an explorative study to investigate whether hypertext users use spatial expressions to conceptualize cognitive actions they are involved in, and how these expressions relate to the type of actions (executions versus evaluations) and the level of actions (syntactic vs. semantic vs.… read more
Krahmer, Emiel, Judith van Dorst and Nicole Ummelen 2004 Mood, persuasion and information presentationInformation Design Journal 12:3, pp. 219–232 | Article
Research instruments for studying information selection in manuals should meet several goals at the same time. First of all, they should accurately register relevant data, such as selected information, selection moments, and reading times. They should also enable the reader to use both the manual… read more