Ellen Valle
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ellen Valle plays a role.
Doing what the doctor said: Constructing an authoritative voice in William Buchan's Domestic Medicine Instructional Writing in English: Studies in honour of Risto Hiltunen, Peikola, Matti, Janne Skaffari and Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen (eds.), pp. 187–209 | Article
2009 “The pleasure of receiving your favour”: The colonial exchange in eighteenth-century natural history Letter Writing, Nevalainen, Terttu and Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen (eds.), pp. 131–154 | Article
2007 The article deals with correspondence in natural history in the eighteenth century between England and North America. The corpus discussed consists of correspondence between John Bartram and Peter Collinson, and between Alexander Garden and John Ellis. The approach used in the study is qualitative… read more
“The pleasure of receiving your favour”: The colonial exchange in eighteenth-century natural history Letter Writing, Nevalainen, Terttu and Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen (eds.), pp. 313–336 | Article
2004 The article deals with correspondence in natural history in the eighteenth century between England and North America. The corpus discussed consists of correspondence between John Bartram and Peter Collinson, and between Alexander Garden and John Ellis. The approach used in the study is qualitative… read more
Introduction Discourse Perspectives on English: Medieval to modern, Hiltunen, Risto and Janne Skaffari (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Miscellaneous
2003 “Let me not lose yr love & friendship”: The negotiation of priority and the construction of a scientific identity in seventeenth-century natural history Discourse Perspectives on English: Medieval to modern, Hiltunen, Risto and Janne Skaffari (eds.), pp. 197–234 | Article