Stijn Verleyen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Stijn Verleyen plays a role.


Pragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends

Edited by Peter Lauwers, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen

[Benjamins Current Topics, 44] 2012. v, 160 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Pragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends

Edited by Peter Lauwers, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen

Special issue of Languages in Contrast 10:2 (2010) vi, 168 pp.
Subjects Comparative linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Lauwers, Peter, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen 2012 Introduction: How false friends give true hints about pragmatic markersPragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends, Lauwers, Peter, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
Lauwers, Peter, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen 2010 How false friends give true hints about pragmatic markersPragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends, Lauwers, Peter, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen (eds.), pp. 129–138 | Article
Vanderbauwhede, Gudrun and Stijn Verleyen 2010 The French and Dutch noun phrase in contrast: The case of the demonstrative determinerFrench Syntax in Contrast, Lahousse, Karen, Béatrice Lamiroy and Kristel Van Goethem (eds.), pp. 267–284 | Article
In this paper, we intend to show that grammaticalization can effectively be used as a parameter in language comparison by proposing a corpus-based account of the difference in distribution between demonstratives and definite articles in French and Dutch. Taking cases of literal but non-equivalent… read more
This paper traces the gradual abandonment of a functionalist perspective in labovian sociolinguistics. In an introductory point, the influence of French functionalism on William Labov, via Uriel Weinreich, is discussed. In the central part of the paper, Labov’s changing attitude towards… read more