Krzysztof Migdalski
List of John Benjamins publications for which Krzysztof Migdalski plays a role.
Diachronic source of two cliticization patterns in Slavic Challenging Clitics, Meklenborg Salvesen, Christine and Hans Petter Helland (eds.), pp. 135–158 | Article
2013 This paper presents an analysis of a diachronic modification in the position of pronominal clitics in Slavic. The modification involved a switch from verb-adjacent clitics to second position clitics, but it occurred only in those languages that also lost tense morphology. The paper interprets the… read more
Against a uniform treatment of second position effects as force markers Main Clause Phenomena: New Horizons, Aelbrecht, Lobke, Liliane Haegeman and Rachel Nye (eds.), pp. 345–364 | Article
2012 This paper investigates two constructions, Verb Second and second position cliticization. These constructions involve placement of a certain element (a finite verb or clitics) in the position following the clause-initial constituent, with seemingly few restrictions as to what this constituent might… read more
Participle fronting in Bulgarian as XP-movement Linguistics in the Netherlands 2003, Cornips, Leonie and Paula Fikkert (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Article