Emre Özgen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Emre Özgen plays a role.


Drivonikou, Gilda V., Alexandra Clifford, Anna Franklin, Emre Özgen and Ian R.L. Davies 2011 Category training affects colour discrimination but only in the right visual fieldNew Directions in Colour Studies, Biggam, Carole P., Carole Hough, Christian Kay and David R. Simmons (eds.), pp. 251–264 | Article
There is indirect evidence that categorical colour perception (better discrimination of colours from different categories than those from the same category). For instance, CP can be induced across a newly learned category boundary (Özgen & Davies 2002). Here we replicate and extend Özgen and… read more
Sowden, Paul T., Ian R.L. Davies, Leslie A. Notman, Iona Alexander and Emre Özgen 2011 Chromatic perceptual learningNew Directions in Colour Studies, Biggam, Carole P., Carole Hough, Christian Kay and David R. Simmons (eds.), pp. 433–444 | Article
Perceptual learning has been shown on a wide variety of achromatic visual tasks. However, very little work has explored the possibility of improvements on chromatically based tasks. Here, we used a transfer of learning paradigm to assess the specificity of improvements at discriminating the… read more