Ludo Verhoeven

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ludo Verhoeven plays a role.

Book series

Literacy Processes and Literacy Development

Edited by Pieter Reitsma and Ludo Verhoeven

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 8:2 (2005) 192 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy

Process and Acquisition of Written Language

Edited by Robert Schreuder and Ludo Verhoeven

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 7:1 (2004) iv, 132 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy

Precursors of Functional Literacy

Edited by Ludo Verhoeven, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma

[Studies in Written Language and Literacy, 11] 2002. viii, 360 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Language teaching

Narrative Development in a Multilingual Context

Edited by Ludo Verhoeven and Sven Strömqvist

[Studies in Bilingualism, 23] 2001. viii, 430 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Pragmatics
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language teaching | Writing and literacy

The Construct of Language Proficiency: Applications of psychological models to language assessment

Edited by Ludo Verhoeven and John H.A.L. de Jong

[Not in series, 62] 1992. viii, 212 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Psycholinguistics
Mercelina, Gil-Marie, Eliane Segers, Ronald Severing and Ludo Verhoeven 2024 Bilingualism and early literacy in Dutch Caribbean kindergartnersWritten Language & Literacy 27:1 | Article
Research in (early) literacy development involving creoles in post-colonial contexts is scarce. Therefore, Papiamento (L1) and Dutch (L2) early literacy of 296 kindergartners in post-colonial Dutch Caribbean was assessed to determine the extent to which their L1 and L2 phonological awareness and… read more
We investigated the development of word decoding (Grades 4–6; 165 children) in Papiamento (L1) and Dutch (L2) in the postcolonial context of the Dutch Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao. The results show a steady development over the upper Grades for both L1 Papiamento and L2 Dutch… read more
Yuan, Han, Eliane Segers and Ludo Verhoeven 2020 Factors affecting L2 phonological awareness in Chinese-Dutch preschoolersWritten Language & Literacy 23:1, pp. 109–128 | Article
The present study compared the relationship between Dutch phonological awareness (rhyme awareness, initial phoneme isolation), Dutch speech decoding and Dutch receptive vocabulary in two groups in different linguistic environments: 30 Mandarin Chinese-Dutch bilingual children and 24 monolingual… read more
Sande, Eva van de, Eliane Segers and Ludo Verhoeven 2017 How executive control predicts early reading developmentWritten Language & Literacy 20:2, pp. 170–193 | Article
Attentional and action control are two levels of executive control that are essential to early reading development. Together these levels enable the construction and monitoring of cognitive representations and of efficient task-behavior, which are both necessary to benefit from reading… read more
Verhoeven, Ludo 2017 Learning to read in a second languageTheories of Reading Development, Cain, Kate, Donald L. Compton and Rauno K. Parrila (eds.), pp. 215–234 | Chapter
Fesel, Sabine S., Eliane Segers, Linda de Leeuw and Ludo Verhoeven 2016 Strategy training and mind-mapping facilitates children’s hypertext comprehensionWritten Language & Literacy 19:2, pp. 131–156 | Article
Children in primary school read hypertext for comprehension. However, children typically are taught reading strategies for linear text, while these strategies are not automatically transferrable one-to-one to hypertext. In the present study, a training group of 55 sixth-graders were taught four… read more
Gorp, Karly van, Eliane Segers and Ludo Verhoeven 2016 Masked onset priming in lexical decision: Differential effects in adults and beginning readersWritten Language & Literacy 19:1, pp. 94–113 | Article
In masked onset priming (MOPE) there is an overlap between prime and target in the onset. This has been shown to lead to faster word recognition of the target in adults in naming tasks but not in lexical decision tasks. To take a developmental stance, the present study investigated MOPE of various… read more
Cordewener, Kim A.H., Anna M.T. Bosman and Ludo Verhoeven 2015 Implicit and explicit instruction: The case of spelling acquisitionWritten Language & Literacy 18:1, pp. 121–152 | Article
This study examined the influence of implicit and explicit instruction for the acquisition of two types of Dutch spelling rules: a morphological and a phonological rule. A sample of 193 first grade, low- and high skilled spellers was assigned to an implicit-instruction, explicit-instruction, or… read more
This study investigates the effects of English-medium CLIL on EFL proficiency in three European countries. Seven mainstream grammar schools spread across The Netherlands, Germany, and Italy participated with a total of 263 pupils aged 12 to 16. Several language skills were measured by means of… read more
Silva, Silvia Morales, Ludo Verhoeven and Jan van Leeuwe 2008 Socio-cultural predictors of reading literacy in fourth graders in Lima, PeruWritten Language & Literacy 11:1, pp. 15–34 | Article
This study investigates socio-cultural cognitive literacy predictors for reading literacy (RL), tested in 314 fourth graders from two different levels of social economic status in Lima, Peru. The following variables were tested as predictors: word decoding, vocabulary, motivation to read, reading… read more
Bosman, Anna M.T., Martijn van Huygevoort, Joep T.A. Bakker and Ludo Verhoeven 2007 Learning to spell in second grade using the spelling checkerConstraints on Spelling Changes, Nottbusch, Guido and Eliane Segers (eds.), pp. 163–183 | Article
The spelling process of Dutch second-grade students using the word processor was studied in three different feedback conditions. In the no-feedback condition, they merely had to type words without being told whether the spelling was correct or not. In one of the feedback conditions they were only… read more
Diepen, Mieke van, Ludo Verhoeven, Cor Aarnoutse and Anna M.T. Bosman 2007 Validation of the International Reading Literacy Test: Evidence from DutchWritten Language & Literacy 10:1, pp. 1–23 | Article
In 2001, the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) conducted a comparative study of reading literacy (PIRLS 2001). A reading comprehension assessment instrument was developed and translated into the languages of 35 participating countries for this purpose.… read more
Perdijk, Kors, Robert Schreuder and Ludo Verhoeven 2005 The role of morphological family size in word recognition: A developmental perspectiveLiteracy Processes and Literacy Development, Reitsma, Pieter and Ludo Verhoeven (eds.), pp. 45–59 | Article
This paper proposes an approach for studying the structure and development of the mental lexicon based on morphological family size. For adults, the number of morphologically related words has been shown to facilitate word recognition (Schreuder, & Baayen, 1997). This effect is assumed to be caused… read more
Within the context of school success of ethnic minority children in the Netherlands, it is currently debated what criteria should be applied by the Ministery of Education in assigning extra funds to children at risk. To this date, two criteria are used: level of parental education and parents'… read more
Schreuder, Robert and Ludo Verhoeven 2004 Introduction: The cross-linguistic study of readingProcess and Acquisition of Written Language, Schreuder, Robert and Ludo Verhoeven (eds.), pp. 3–7 | Article
Verhoeven, Ludo, Harald Baayen and Robert Schreuder 2004 Orthographic constraints and frequency effects in complex word identificationProcess and Acquisition of Written Language, Schreuder, Robert and Ludo Verhoeven (eds.), pp. 49–59 | Article
In an experimental study we explored the role of word frequency and orthographic constraints in the reading of Dutch bisyllabic words. Although Dutch orthography is highly regular, several deviations from a one-to-one correspondence occur. In polysyllabic words, the grapheme E may represent three… read more
The studies reported in this volume of WL&L (5: 1–2, 2002) all derive from a joint project entitled “Developing literacy in different contexts and in different languages”, funded by the Spencer Foundation, Chicago. The study encompasses seven languages — Dutch, English, French, Hebrew, Icelandic,… read more
Elsäcker, Willy van and Ludo Verhoeven 2002 Sociocultural differences in reading skills, reading motivation, and reading strategiesPrecursors of Functional Literacy, Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma (eds.), pp. 265–286 | Article
Jisa, Harriet, Judy Reilly, Ludo Verhoeven, Elisheva Baruch and Elisa Rosado 2002 Passive voice constructions in written texts: A cross-linguistic developmental studyCross-Linguistic Perspectives on the Development of Text-Production Abilities in Speech and Writing. Part 2, Berman, Ruth A. and Ludo Verhoeven (eds.), pp. 163–181 | Article
The distribution of passive constructions is examined in written texts produced by native speakers of five Languages (Dutch, English, French, Hebrew, and Spanish), from four Age groups (aged 9–10, 12–13, 15–16 years, and adults). These languages contrast in the variety of structures available to… read more
Segers, Eliane and Ludo Verhoeven 2002 Does speech manipulation make word discrimination easier?Precursors of Functional Literacy, Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma (eds.), pp. 109–118 | Article
Stoep, Judith, Joep T.A. Bakker and Ludo Verhoeven 2002 Parental and teacher commitment in emergent literacy developmentPrecursors of Functional Literacy, Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma (eds.), pp. 249–264 | Article
Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma 2002 Functional literacy in a developmental perspectivePrecursors of Functional Literacy, Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma (eds.), pp. 3–13 | Article
Verhoeven, Ludo, Melina Aparici, Dalia Cahana-Amitay, Janet G. van Hell, Sarah Kriz and Anne Viguié-Simon 2002 Clause packaging in writing and speech: A cross-linguistic developmental analysisCross-Linguistic Perspectives on the Development of Text-Production Abilities in Speech and Writing. Part 2, Berman, Ruth A. and Ludo Verhoeven (eds.), pp. 135–161 | Article
This article analyses clause packaging in the written narrative and expository texts in Dutch, English, French, Hebrew, and Spanish by grade-school children and adults. A “clause package” is defined as a text unit consisting of clauses linked by syntactic, thematic, and discursive criteria. Our… read more
Severing, Ria and Ludo Verhoeven 2001 10. Bilingual narrative development in Papiamento and DutchNarrative Development in a Multilingual Context, Verhoeven, Ludo and Sven Strömqvist (eds.), pp. 255–276 | Chapter
Verhoeven, Ludo and Sven Strömqvist 2001 1. Development of narrative production in multilingual contextNarrative Development in a Multilingual Context, Verhoeven, Ludo and Sven Strömqvist (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Chapter
Blauw, Akke de, Resi Damhuis, Mienke Droop, Marijke Kienstra en Ludo Verhoeven 2000 Interactief Taalonderwijs Voor Jonge KinderenOnderzoek ontmoet onderwijs, pp. 37–47 | Article
This article describes the basic principles of interactive language teaching, as currently developed by the National Centre for Language Education (Expertisecentrum Nederlands). Based on a social constructivist view on learning and development, we argue that language education in the primary… read more
Verhoeven, Ludo 1997 13. Acquisition of Literacy by Immigrant ChildrenWriting Development: An interdisciplinary view, Pontecorvo, Clotilde (ed.), pp. 219–240 | Chapter
Appel, René and Ludo Verhoeven 1994 6. Decolonization, language planning and educationPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 65–74 | Chapter
Verhoeven, Ludo 1994 Linguistic diversity and literacy developmentFunctional Literacy: Theoretical issues and educational implications, Verhoeven, Ludo (ed.), pp. 199–220 | Article
Verhoeven, Ludo 1994 Modeling and promoting functional literacyFunctional Literacy: Theoretical issues and educational implications, Verhoeven, Ludo (ed.), pp. 3–34 | Article
Jong, John H.A.L. de and Ludo Verhoeven 1992 1. Modeling and assessing language proficiencyThe Construct of Language Proficiency: Applications of psychological models to language assessment, Verhoeven, Ludo and John H.A.L. de Jong (eds.), pp. 3–22 | Article
Verhoeven, Ludo 1992 10. Assessment of bilingual proficiencyThe Construct of Language Proficiency: Applications of psychological models to language assessment, Verhoeven, Ludo and John H.A.L. de Jong (eds.), pp. 125–136 | Article
In the present study a detailed analysis was made of the oral and written language skills of 60 native Dutch and 120 non-native third and fourth grade students at Dutch primary schools. First of all, the achievement on a variety of oral language and reading and writing tasks were examined as a… read more
Verhoeven, Ludo and Anne Vermeer 1992 13. Modeling communicative second language competenceThe Construct of Language Proficiency: Applications of psychological models to language assessment, Verhoeven, Ludo and John H.A.L. de Jong (eds.), pp. 163–174 | Article
Under the auspices of the Dutch National Science Foundation (ZWO), a research program on primary language development is being prepared. This text aims at contributing to the foundation of such a program by focusing on the main trends in research on primary language development in the Netherlands… read more
Verhoeven, Ludo 1987 Lexical Development in Ethnic Minority ChildrenPerspectives on Child Language, De Houwer, Annick and Steven Gillis (eds.), pp. 75–91 | Article
Bot, Kees de, Peter Broeder en Ludo Verhoeven 1985 Het Meten van Culturele Oriëntatie in Relatie met Taalvaardigheid.Nederlands als tweede taal, pp. 33–49 | Article
Recently, numerous studies evaluating bilingual education programs have shown that cultural orientation and language attitude play an important role in achieving sufficient proficiency in both first and second language. Despite a long tradition . of research in the field of attitude measurement, no… read more
Verhoeven, Ludo 1984 Aspecten Van TweetaligheidToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 20, pp. 173–176 | Article
Verhoeven, Ludo, Walther Verhoeven en Kim van der Zouw 1983 Tweetalig Leesonderwijs Aan Turkse KinderenToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 17, pp. 182–201 | Article
In this paper a report is given of a study concerning the processes involved in the learning of reading by Turkish children when the reading instruction is simultaneously given in LI en L2. After a short survey of the literature concerning bilingualism and learning to read the design of the study… read more
A report is given of the construction and validation of diagnostic tests for the evaluation of pupils in the first stages of reading instruction. With these tests it will be possible to apply psychological principles of learning to read to the design of interventions that will facilitate the… read more
In postcolonial contexts, children usually learn to read in a language other than their main socialization language, usually a creole. To understand how this affects reading acquisition we examined the early Creole Papiamento (L1) and Dutch (L2) reading skills of 128 Caribbean children. We… read more