Anne Vermeer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anne Vermeer plays a role.

Vermeer, Anne and Joey Ceglarek 2017 Development of qualifiers in children’s written storiesDevelopmental Perspectives in Written Language and Literacy: In honor of Ludo Verhoeven, Segers, Eliane and Paul van den Broek (eds.), pp. 237–255 | Chapter
In general, stories written by children in which many details are used are perceived as being more attractive. However, the use of stylistic elements in children’s writings has scarcely been described. We investigated stories written by 320 elementary school children from grades 3 to 6, focusing on… read more
In line with recent developments in both language acquisition and text comprehension studies, it is argued that more reliable and valid lexical richness measures can be obtained by including frequency class information. To that end, texts written by 452 elementary school children (L1/L2) in grades… read more
Augusteijn, Hilde, Anne Vermeer en Marije van Amelsvoort 2012 Evaluatieve tweets van studenten en het effect van een interventie door docent-volgersDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 1:2, pp. 236–251 | Article
In this study, 21,085 tweets from university students over a period of twelve weeks were analyzed. Our aim was to investigate the number and evaluative content of students’ tweets related to their study, and to know whether the number of negative tweets decreases when teachers follow students on… read more
This article focuses on the emergence of relational coherence in linguistic expressions such as and, but, then, while, until, before. When do children start expressing relational coherence through various additive, temporal and causal connectives? Within a cognitive theory of coherence relations… read more
How much of the vocabulary in a text needs to be known ('text coverage') to arrive at a proper comprehension of the text? On the basis of a vocabulary test, 175 pupils of grade 4 were divided into four groups with different vocabulary sizes. Next, in three sessions they read six texts differing in… read more
This article explores the question whether or not a user model with an automated adaptive selection of online generated and enriched reading texts from newspapers ensures that readers of different vocabulary levels receive linguistic input that is best suited to their abilities and preferences. In… read more
This article presents the results of a CALL-experiment in which reading material is selected dynamically, based on the “fit” between the vocabulary proficiency of individual students and the relative difficulty of texts. The texts were analysed, selected and presented online, together with a… read more
The research in this article deals with the effect of a teacher training course on vocabulary teaching and learning. Two months before, and three months after an intensive vocabulary teaching training course, four teachers of different grades in primary education were observed and interviewed, and… read more
Hootsen, Geke, Rintse van der Werf en Anne Vermeer 2007 E-learning op Maat: Automatische geïndividualiseerde materiaalselectie in het tweede-taalonderwijsIn gesprek, pp. 119–130 | Article
The present study explored the effect of reading texts in an electronic learning environment for 46 adult second language learners of Dutch with different proficiency levels. The reading materials were selected dynamically, based on the "fit" between the vocabulary proficiency of individual… read more
Haest, Ilse en Anne Vermeer 2005 Brede en Diepe Woordkennis, Vaktaal en TekstbegripMeertaligheid zonder meer, pp. 45–58 | Article
In this article various aspects of word knowledge and their relations to the text comprehension skills have been investigated for 197 monolingual and bilingual children in grade 5. All children performed three different vocabulary tasks, measuring breadth (quantitative knowledge: 'how many words do… read more
Within the context of school success of ethnic minority children in the Netherlands, it is currently debated what criteria should be applied by the Ministery of Education in assigning extra funds to children at risk. To this date, two criteria are used: level of parental education and parents'… read more
van de Rhoer, Fenne en Anne Vermeer 2005 Hiërarchische Relaties en WoordenschatonderwijsToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 73, pp. 99–110 | Article
It is generally acknowledged, that in vocabulary learning and teaching, the main important factors are frequency, meaningful context, and variation in input. Within the last factor, some researchers stress the importance of hierarchical relations between words (paradigmatic relations as in animal… read more
This article deals with the selection of words for curriculum materials, in the light of the choice made in a cdrom on vocabulary learning and a language learning method in primary education. First, some criteria for vocabulary selection are discussed. Next, it is shown that the selection of words… read more
In this paper, we investigated, for 90 Dutch L1 and L2 children in Special Education, whether differences in Dutch language proficiency could be found between boys and girls, and whether the outcomes are in line with the evaluations of the teachers about the proficiency of these boys and girls.… read more
Most measures of lexical richness in spontaneous speech data, based on the distribution of, or the relation between the types and tokens, appear to be neither reliable nor valid. The article describes a semi-automatic computer program, MLR (Measure of Lexical Richness) that measures lexical… read more
Research on primary school children shows that the differences between L1-Dutch children on the one hand, and L2-Dutch children on the other, tend to become greater, which is a process in which the children's proficiency in Dutch plays a major role. In this paper it is shown that word knowledge is… read more
Verhoeven, Ludo and Anne Vermeer 1992 13. Modeling communicative second language competenceThe Construct of Language Proficiency: Applications of psychological models to language assessment, Verhoeven, Ludo and John H.A.L. de Jong (eds.), pp. 163–174 | Article
Vermeer, Anne 1992 12. Exploring the second language learner lexiconThe Construct of Language Proficiency: Applications of psychological models to language assessment, Verhoeven, Ludo and John H.A.L. de Jong (eds.), pp. 147–162 | Article
Appel, René en Anne Vermeer 1990 Uitbreiding Woordenschat nt2 in de KleuterklassenOnderwijs Nederlands als T2: De stand van zaken, pp. 36–47 | Article
Increasing use of spontaneous speech data in second language research made it necessary to use other measures than tests for getting insight into the lexical richness of (spoken) text corpora of second language learners. In this article several lexical measures (types, TTR, TTR(c), Guiraud,… read more
Hout, Roeland van en Anne Vermeer 1988 Spontane Taaldata en het Meten van Lexicale RIJKDOM I Tweede-taalverwervingTaalverwerving in onderzoek, pp. 67–80 | Article
Increasing use of spontaneous speech data in second language re-search made it necessary to use other measures than tests for getting insight into the lexical richness of (spoken) text corpora of second language learners. In this article several lexical measures (types, TTR(c), Guiraud, logTTR,… read more
In second language acquisition two aspects may be distinguished, namely structure (or order and speed or success) of second language acquisition. The structure of second language acquisition is mainly determined by cognitive strategies and has a strong universal character. Speed, however, is for… read more