Kees Versteegh

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kees Versteegh plays a role.


Language of Empire, Language of Power

Edited by Kees Versteegh

Special issue of Language Ecology 2:1/2 (2018) v, 146 pp.
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Contact Linguistics | Evolution of language | Historical linguistics | Language acquisition | Language policy | Multilingualism | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

The Emergence of Semantics in Four Linguistic Traditions: Hebrew, Sanskrit, Greek, Arabic

Wout J. van Bekkum, Jan Houben, Ineke Sluiter and Kees Versteegh

Subjects History of linguistics | Semantics
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | History of linguistics | Syntax

The History of Linguistics in the Low Countries

Edited by Jan Noordegraaf, Kees Versteegh and E.F.K. Koerner †

[Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 64] 1992. vi, 400 pp. + ills.
Subjects History of linguistics
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | History of linguistics | Syntax
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Creole studies

The History of Linguistics in the Near East

Edited by Kees Versteegh, E.F.K. Koerner † and Hans-Josef Niederehe

Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | History of linguistics
The particle fi is used in Classical Arabic as a local and temporal preposition, ‘in’. In the contemporary Arabic dialects, it has the same meaning, but in addition it is used in some dialects as an existential, ‘there is/are’. In a number of Arabic work-related pidgins, such as Gulf Pidgin… read more
The concept of a colloquial variety of Latin as an intermediate variety between Latin and the Romance languages has a long standing. Sometimes called Vulgar or Popular Latin, this variety is often conceptualized as a discrete linguistic variety, which is held responsible for the changes in the… read more
Versteegh, Kees 2018 Temporal adverbs of contrast in the Basic Variety of ArabicArabic in Contact, Manfredi, Stefano and Mauro Tosco (eds.), pp. 233–250 | Chapter
This paper applies the model of the Basic Variety developed by Klein & Perdue (1997) and elaborated by Benazzo (2003) to two basic forms of communication in Arabic, Pidgin Madame and Gulf Pidgin Arabic. Benazzo’s analysis of the development of temporal adverbs of contrast (resultative already;… read more
Versteegh, Kees 2018 Language of empire, language of powerLanguage of Empire, Language of Power, Versteegh, Kees (ed.), pp. 1–17 | Article
How do people in a position of power address those under their control? Do they impose their own language, possibly in a reduced version? Do they adopt a simple form of the language of the people they control? Do they employ a lingua franca that is commonly used in the region? Recent research… read more
Versteegh, Kees 2014 Speaking of the past: The development of past time reference in Arabic pidginsArabic-based Pidgins and Creoles, Manfredi, Stefano and Mauro Tosco (eds.), pp. 211–231 | Article
In rudimentary communication with foreigners, the most basic need is to express wishes and to give orders. Accordingly, verbal forms in foreigner-directed speech and pidgins often derive etymologically from imperatives or infinitives in the lexifier language. In more developed communication the… read more
Versteegh, Kees 2014 Pidgin verbs: Infinitives or imperatives?Pidgins and Creoles beyond Africa-Europe Encounters, Buchstaller, Isabelle, Anders Holmberg and Mohammad Almoaily (eds.), pp. 141–170 | Article
Evidence from Arabic-based pidgins, such as Bongor Arabic, Juba Arabic, Pidgin Madame, and Gulf Pidgin Arabic, and from the Arabic-based creole Ki-Nubi, shows that in these varieties verbs often derive from Arabic imperatives. In some of the West European-based pidgins, verbs apparently derive from… read more
Versteegh, Kees 2004 The future of creolisticsLinguistics Today – Facing a Greater Challenge, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 305 ff. | Article
Even ‘naive’ speakers use a distinction between actual, realized speech with its ‘literal’ meaning, and an underlying level of ‘what is actually meant’. Such a distinction is made because speakers instinctively feel that very often actual speech does not represent exactly what the speaker intends… read more
Versteegh, Kees 1992 The Debate Concerning Latin and Early RomanceDiachronica 9:2, pp. 259–285 | Article
Versteegh, Kees 1991 The Substratum Debate in Creole LinguisticsDiachronica 8:1, pp. 59–80 | Article
Versteegh, Kees 1987 Latinitas, Hellenismos, ‘ArabiyyaThe History of Linguistics in the Classical Period, Taylor, Daniel J. (ed.), pp. 251 ff. | Article
Versteegh, Kees 1986 Latinitas, Hellenismos, ‘ArabiyyaHistoriographia Linguistica 13:2/3, pp. 425–448 | Article
The central thesis of this paper is that from the time of the Alexandrian conquests the Greek-speaking community was characterized by a diglossia in which the Attic dialect became the standard language, while a simplified version of this dialect served as the colloquial. On the basis of a… read more
Versteegh, Kees 1983 History of eastern linguistics in the Soviet UnionHistoriographia Linguistica 10:3, pp. 289–307 | Review article
Versteegh, Kees 1982 A Dissenting Grammarian: Qutrub on DeclensionThe History of Linguistics in the Near East, Versteegh, Kees, E.F.K. Koerner † and Hans-Josef Niederehe (eds.), pp. 167 ff. | Article
Versteegh, Kees 1981 A Dissenting Grammarian Qutrub on DeclensionHistoriographia Linguistica 8:2/3, pp. 403–429 | Article
This paper is concerned with a theory held by the Arab grammarian Qutrub (d.206/821) with regard to the inflectional vowels of the noun in Arabic. Contrary to what most grammarians believed, he asserted that these vowels do not serve to indicate (syntactic) functions, but to prevent the… read more