Carl Vetters
List of John Benjamins publications for which Carl Vetters plays a role.
Perspectives on Aspect and Aktionsart
Edited by Carl Vetters and Willy Vandeweghe
[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 6] 1991. 182 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax
Sharon Rebecca Rand. The French Imparfait and Passé Simple in Discourse Functions of Language 1:1, pp. 161–162 | To be specified
1994 Introduction Perspectives on Aspect and Aktionsart, Vetters, Carl and Willy Vandeweghe (eds.), pp. 7–8 | Miscellaneous
1991 Grammaticalité au Passé Récent Lingvisticæ Investigationes 13:2, pp. 369–386 | Article
1989 There are many misunderstandings concerning the French periphrasis venir de + infinitif, mostly called passé récent. Certain aspects of its use like the combination with time adverbials hardly have been examined. The use of the periphrasis is restricted in several ways: it can't be used in the… read more
La Localisation Temporelle Lingvisticæ Investigationes 12:2, pp. 337–361 | Article
1988 The paper proposes a new approach to temporal clauses and temporal adverbs, which are mostly said to "localize" the main verb. In recent work of Vicenzo Lo Cascio and others, temporal clauses and adverbs are treated completely differently and independently. We want to show that they should be… read more