Bernard Victorri

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bernard Victorri plays a role.


Continuity in Linguistic Semantics

Edited by Catherine Fuchs and Bernard Victorri

Subjects Semantics | Theoretical linguistics


Lacheret-Dujour, Anne and Bernard Victorri 2019 Chapter 10. Segmentation into intonational periodsRhapsodie: A prosodic and syntactic treebank for spoken French, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Sylvain Kahane and Paola Pietrandrea (eds.), pp. 175–211 | Chapter
This chapter focuses on the processing of the major prosodic unit, called intonational period, in Rhapsodie. We explain why the grammatical concept of sentence cannot be taken as a reference for the segmentation of unelicited speech into major prosodic units. Rather we show that in order to segment… read more
Victorri, Bernard 1994 The use of continuity in modelling semantic phenomenaContinuity in Linguistic Semantics, Fuchs, Catherine and Bernard Victorri (eds.), pp. 241–255 | Article
The study presented here constitutes an important part of a general project of modeling polysemy, which involves three steps: linguistic theory, mathematical formalization, and computer implementation. In this approach, two continuous spaces are to be constructed to model the behaviour of a… read more