Alina Villalva

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alina Villalva plays a role.


Villalva, Alina 2022 Chapter 10. Complex verbs: The interplay of suffixation, conversion, and parasynthesis in Portuguese and EnglishParadigms in Word Formation: Theory and applications, Ruz, Alba E., Cristina Fernández-Alcaina and Cristina Lara-Clares (eds.), pp. 249–282 | Chapter
Denominal and deadjectival complex verbs form a heterogenous set. They all belong to the coarse-grained class of causative verbs, but they may be obtained by different morphological processes, namely suffixation (code n → codify v ; laic adj →… read more
This study investigates word processing in Brazilian Portuguese, focusing on blends, which juxtapose or overlap (W)ords and/or (C)lips (e.g. portunhol = (portu)guês ‘Portuguese’ + espa(nhol) ‘Spanish’). Blends present intriguing theoretical and empirical challenges to models of morphological… read more