Roel Vismans
List of John Benjamins publications for which Roel Vismans plays a role.
Book series
It's different with you: Contrastive perspectives on address research
Edited by Nicole Baumgarten and Roel Vismans
[Topics in Address Research, 5] 2023. vi, 432 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Introduction It's different with you: Contrastive perspectives on address research, Baumgarten, Nicole and Roel Vismans (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Chapter
2023 Chapter 16. Address and politeness: A theoretical exploration It's different with you: Contrastive perspectives on address research, Baumgarten, Nicole and Roel Vismans (eds.), pp. 397–422 | Chapter
2023 This chapter sets out to explore the theoretical relationship between address and politeness. It explores the nature of address and discusses the concept of “address theory”, the need for such a theory, and what it should encompass. It analyses, for the first time, the theoretical contrasts… read more
Address negotiations in Dutch emails It’s not all about you: New perspectives on address research, Kluge, Bettina and María Irene Moyna (eds.), pp. 253–279 | Chapter
2019 This chapter presents a qualitative analysis of address forms in a small corpus of Dutch emails/email chains, in particular their strategic use in moving from a more formal, distant relation between correspondents to a more familiar one. In addition to pronominal address forms, it also considers… read more