Emma Vorlat

List of John Benjamins publications for which Emma Vorlat plays a role.


The Scene of Linguistic Action and its Perspectivization by SPEAK, TALK, SAY and TELL

René Dirven †, Louis Goossens, Yvan Putseys and Emma Vorlat

[Pragmatics & Beyond, III:6] 1982. vi, 186 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Semantics


Vorlat, Emma 1985 Metaphors and their aptness in trade names for perfumesThe Ubiquity of Metaphor: Metaphor in language and thought, Paprotté, Wolf and René Dirven † (eds.), pp. 263 ff. | Article
Vorlat, Emma 1982 Framing the Scene of Linguistic Action by Means of SpeakThe Scene of Linguistic Action and its Perspectivization by SPEAK, TALK, SAY and TELL, Dirven, René †, Louis Goossens, Yvan Putseys and Emma Vorlat, pp. 9 ff. | Article