Gábor Alberti

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gábor Alberti plays a role.


Approaches to Hungarian 18: Special issue of the Journal of Uralic Linguistics 2:1 (2023)

Edited by Donka F. Farkas, Gábor Alberti and Balázs Surányi

Special issue of Journal of Uralic Linguistics 2:1 (2023) v, 153 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics | Uralic languages
Alberti, Gábor, Judit Farkas and Veronika Szabó 2017 Chapter 1. Internal-scope taking arguments in the information structure of deverbal nominals in HungarianApproaches to Hungarian: Volume 15: Papers from the 2015 Leiden Conference, Hulst, Harry van der and Anikó Lipták (eds.), pp. 1–33 | Chapter
The paper claims that the syntax of Hungarian is so extremely transparent from a pragmasemantic point of view that certain (complex-event-related) deverbal nominal constructions can have an internal information structure consisting of internal-scope taking dependents. The scope-semantic source of… read more
Alberti, Gábor, Judit Farkas and Veronika Szabó 2015 Arguments for arguments in the complement zone of the Hungarian nominal headApproaches to Hungarian: Volume 14: Papers from the 2013 Piliscsaba Conference, Kiss, Katalin É., Balázs Surányi and Éva Dékány (eds.), pp. 5–36 | Article
This paper argues that a Hungarian nominal head may have a phonetically non-empty complement zone — if certain “felicity conditions” are satisfied. Our approach relies on the introduction of two new constituency tests (based on certain properties of the contrastive topic and on the order of certain… read more
Alberti, Gábor, Noémi Vadász and Judit Kleiber 2014 Ideal and deviant interlocutors in a formal interpretation systemCommunicating Certainty and Uncertainty in Medical, Supportive and Scientific Contexts, Zuczkowski, Andrzej, Ramona Bongelli, Ilaria Riccioni and Carla Canestrari (eds.), pp. 59–78 | Article
Conversational partners’ “ideal” information states – their knowledge (about the world and each other), their beliefs (with different degrees of certainty), their desires and intentions (of different degrees of intensity) – can be specified at any point in the conversation. The various elements… read more
Kleiber, Judit and Gábor Alberti 2014 Uncertainty in polar questions and certainty in answers?Certainty-uncertainty – and the Attitudinal Space in Between, Cantarini, Sibilla, Werner Abraham and Elisabeth Leiss (eds.), pp. 135–152 | Article
The paper demonstrates that, in opposition to accepted wisdom, questions often exhibit various degrees of certainty, while answers express different types of uncertainty. The analysis of polar questions and answers draws heavily on the representation of mental states and applies a formal… read more
Alberti, Gábor 2004 Climbing for aspect: with no rucksackVerb Clusters: A study of Hungarian, German and Dutch, Kiss, Katalin É. and Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.), pp. 253–289 | Article