Alexandra Krendel

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexandra Krendel plays a role.


McGlashan, Mark and Alexandra Krendel 2024 Keywords of the manosphereInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 29:1, pp. 87–115 | Article
This paper examines language used in five of the largest manosphere communities on Reddit (r/TheRedPill, r/braincels, r/MensRights, r/seduction, and r/MGTOW) to identify idiosyncratic language use within these communities. To do so, a novel methodology which combines key-key-word analysis with… read more
This study investigates the interactional norms of a manosphere discussion forum known as The Red Pill (TRP), and asks whether it can be conceptualised as a self-help group. 2104 posts and comments from regular users and high-status users in the community were analysed qualitatively to determine… read more