Luuk Lagerwerf

List of John Benjamins publications for which Luuk Lagerwerf plays a role.


Identifying information and tenor in texts

Edited by Luuk Lagerwerf, Wilbert Spooren and Liesbeth Degand

Special issue of Information Design Journal 13:1 (2005) 96 pp.
Subjects Cognitive psychology | Communication Studies


Lagerwerf, Luuk and Daniël Verheij 2014 Hypertext in online news stories: More control, more appreciationInformation Design Journal 21:2, pp. 163–178 | Article
News websites struggle tailoring news stories to divergent needs of online news users. We examined a way to bridge these needs by representing sources in hypertext. News items were designed to be short and concise, with hyperlinks citing sources. Readers could either ignore hyperlinks or explore… read more
Lagerwerf, Luuk, Wilbert Spooren and Liesbeth Degand 2005 Identifying information and tenor in texts: IntroductionIdentifying information and tenor in texts, Lagerwerf, Luuk, Wilbert Spooren and Liesbeth Degand (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Article
Lagerwerf, Luuk 2002 Deliberate ambiguity in slogans: recognition and appreciationDocument Design 3:3, pp. 244–260 | Article