ZhaoHong Han

List of John Benjamins publications for which ZhaoHong Han plays a role.


Subjects Cognition and language | Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Interlanguage: Forty years later

Edited by ZhaoHong Han and Elaine Tarone

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 39] 2014. vii, 255 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Han, ZhaoHong, Gang Bao and Paul Wiita 2017 Chapter 10. Energy conservation in SLA: The simplicity of a complex adaptive systemComplexity Theory and Language Development: In celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman, Ortega, Lourdes and ZhaoHong Han (eds.), pp. 209–232 | Chapter
This chapter takes a system view on second language (L2) development. However, unlike proponents of Complex Dynamic Systems Theory (CDST) viewing the developmental system as ever dynamic without a finite state, we take up a long-standing observation about a signature L2 phenomenon, inter-learner… read more
Ortega, Lourdes and ZhaoHong Han 2017 IntroductionComplexity Theory and Language Development: In celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman, Ortega, Lourdes and ZhaoHong Han (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Chapter
At the recent CLTA-S2 conference, a spirited debate occurred between critics of second language acquisition (SLA) research and researchers who embraced it. Fascinating as it was, neither camp appeared to have convinced the other, but, more important, the debate left much of the audience flummoxed. read more
Han, ZhaoHong 2014 Chapter 3. From Julie to Wes to Alberto: Revisiting the construct of fossilizationInterlanguage: Forty years later, Han, ZhaoHong and Elaine Tarone (eds.), pp. 47–74 | Chapter
This chapter revisits the construct of fossilization, the bedrock of Selinker’s (1972) Interlanguage Hypothesis. After reviewing the early conception of fossilization, I focus my discussion on intra-learner, and to a lesser extent, inter-learner differential success or failure, arguing that… read more
Han, ZhaoHong and Elaine Tarone 2014 IntroductionInterlanguage: Forty years later, Han, ZhaoHong and Elaine Tarone (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Introduction
Kwon, Eun-Young and ZhaoHong Han 2008 Language transfer in child SLA: A longitudinal case study of a sequential bilingualSecond Language Acquisition and the Younger Learner: Child's play?, Philp, Jenefer, Rhonda Oliver and Alison Mackey (eds.), pp. 303–331 | Article
In this chapter we report on a 26-month longitudinal study of a Korean-speaking child acquiring L2 English in the United States (AoA: 3;6). Focusing on negation, plural, and possessive marking, we examined the nature of language transfer as a function of changes occurring in the participant’s L1… read more
Interlanguage 'novel unaccusative' (term borrowed from BALCOM 1997) has been a subject of investigation since the late 1970s, though it has usually been discussed under the terms of an interlanguage syntactic structure called the 'pseudo-passive' (e.g., SCHACHTER & RUTHERFORD 1979; RUTHERFORD… read more