David Butt
List of John Benjamins publications for which David Butt plays a role.
Functional Descriptions: Theory in practice
Edited by Ruqaiya Hasan †, Carmel Cloran and David Butt
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 121] 1996. xxxvi, 381 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Functional linguistics | Pragmatics
Our last Luciferian pact? The grammatical construction of the “self” and some implications for discourse in the human sciences Language, Context and Text 5:1, pp. 193–242 | Article
2023 The paper argues for a semiotic – in fact, a grammatical – origin to a profound dimension of the human psyche: William James (1890, 1920[1892]) observed how there were far reaching effects from what he characterised as the “duplex self”. This ME/I relation requires cohesion, or co-ordination,… read more
Archiving an academic legacy: The Halliday and Hasan Archive project Language, Context and Text 5:1, pp. 2–15 | Article
2023 Michael Halliday’s and Ruqaiya Hasan’s estates have been found to include a large amount of unpublished materials: draft papers, research notes, photographs, comments on student papers and so on. They comprise important elements of their legacy and a potential research resource. In this paper we… read more
The pragmatism of drawing context networks: Social hierarchy and social distance as dimensions of Tenor Context in Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theoretical developments and directions, Bowcher, Wendy L. and Tom Bartlett (eds.), pp. 260–290 | Article
2021 Linguistics has embraced the functional and contextual turn but, when building tools for systematic contextual description, we have not made as much use as we could of our own functional traditions. Rather, we have largely relied on the metaphors of law and rule, which do not adequately capture… read more
Context and text in scientific disciplines of English: A social semiotic perspective Language, Context and Text 1:1, pp. 4–38 | Article
2019 As major world languages – Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese, for instance – become the medium of university networks, it may be the right time to take stock of the influence that English has had over the way the disciplines of humanities and sciences have been shaped, directed and evaluated, in… read more
A case study of multi-stratal analysis Language and Social Life: Functional perspectives, Love, Kristina (ed.), pp. 123–150 | Article
2005 The domains of application in applied linguistics have changed considerably since the early 1960s. In most of these domains, the fundamental property of language as a resource for making meaning has increasingly been foregrounded. This approach recognises, amongst other dimensions of language, its… read more
Semantic ‘drift’ in verbal art Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 6:1, pp. 38–48 | Article
1983 Poetic language is permanently characterized only by its function; however function is not a property but a mode of utilizing the properties of a given phenomenon.
(Mukarovský, 1977)
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