Virginia Yip

List of John Benjamins publications for which Virginia Yip plays a role.


Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Multilingualism
Lee, Jonathan Him Nok, Regine Yee King Lai, Stephen Matthews and Virginia Yip 2024 Prosodic interaction in Cantonese-English bilingual children’s speech productionLinguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 14:5, pp. 668–707 | Article
This corpus-based study investigates intonation patterns in the production of Cantonese by Cantonese-English bilingual children. We examine the intonation patterns in eight simultaneous bilingual children acquiring a tonal (Cantonese) and an intonational language (English) from 2;0 to 3;0. Two… read more
Research on heritage language acquisition at the school age has shown protracted development and early stabilisation in morphosyntax and the lexicon. Our study examined the properties of resultative verb compound (RVC), a structure at the crossroads of the lexicon and morphosyntax, in… read more
Recent research has identified language development in school-age heritage children as an important yet missing link between child early bilinguals and adult heritage speakers. This study investigates the Mandarin ba-construction ([(NP1)-ba-NP2-VP]) through elicited narration among heritage… read more
Yip, Virginia, Ziyin Mai and Stephen Matthews 2018 Chapter 9. CHILDES for bilingualismBilingual Cognition and Language: The state of the science across its subfields, Miller, David, Fatih Bayram, Jason Rothman and Ludovica Serratrice (eds.), pp. 183–202 | Chapter
The CHILDES archive has revolutionized the study of bilingual development. We review the available corpora and their properties, some methods that have been used in creating and analyzing corpus data, and the kinds of analyses that it has made possible. These points are illustrated with corpus data… read more
Matthews, Stephen and Virginia Yip 2017 Noun-modifying clauses in CantoneseNoun-Modifying Clause Constructions in Languages of Eurasia: Rethinking theoretical and geographical boundaries, Matsumoto, Yoshiko, Bernard Comrie and Peter Sells (eds.), pp. 105–120 | Article
Whether relative clauses can be identified in Chinese is a recurrent question. We ask whether relative clauses are distinct from other noun-modifying clause constructions in Cantonese, one of many East Asian languages in which a noun can be preceded by a diverse range of modifying clauses. The… read more
Chan, Angel, Stephen Matthews and Virginia Yip 2011 Chapter 8. The acquisition of relative clauses in Cantonese and MandarinThe Acquisition of Relative Clauses: Processing, typology and function, Kidd, Evan (ed.), pp. 197–226 | Article
We discuss three typological characteristics relevant to the acquisition of relative clauses (RCs) in Cantonese and Mandarin: (i) the prenominal position of RCs; (ii) the availability of an internally-headed analysis for Cantonese object RCs; and (iii) Chinese RCs as a subset of noun modifying… read more
Matthews, Stephen and Virginia Yip 2011 Contact-induced grammaticalization: Evidence from bilingual acquisitionLanguage Change in Contact Languages: Grammatical and prosodic considerations, Clements, J. Clancy and Shelome Gooden (eds.), pp. 107–135 | Article
It is widely acknowledged that developments in bilingual individuals parallel, and ultimately underlie, those taking place in the course of contact-induced change. In this paper we address the poorly understood relationship between the individual and community-level processes, focusing on the… read more
Matthews, Stephen and Virginia Yip 2009 Contact-induced grammaticalization: Evidence from bilingual acquisitionLanguage Change in Contact Languages: Grammatical and prosodic considerations, Clements, J. Clancy and Shelome Gooden (eds.), pp. 366–395 | Article
It is widely acknowledged that developments in bilingual individuals parallel, and ultimately underlie, those taking place in the course of contact-induced change. In this paper we address the poorly understood relationship between the individual and community-level processes, focusing on the… read more
Yip, Virginia and Stephen Matthews 1995 I-interlanguage and typology: The case of topic-prominenceThe Current State of Interlanguage: Studies in honor of William E. Rutherford, Eubank, Lynn, Larry Selinker and Michael Sharwood Smith (eds.), pp. 17–30 | Article