Leticia Moreno Pérez
List of John Benjamins publications for which Leticia Moreno Pérez plays a role.
Lexical chunks in English and Spanish sales contracts: A corpus-based study Terminology 25:1, pp. 32–59 | Article
2019 This paper focuses on the study of word combinations “of common usage” which are “lexicalized”, have “syntactic and semantic stability, may be idiomatized and carry connotations, and have an emphatic or intensifying function.” (Gläser 1994/1995, 45). Following previous research on Languages for… read more
The use of - ing and - ndo forms in sales contracts: An English-Spanish contrastive analysis Languages in Contrast 19:2, pp. 256–279 | Article
2019 This paper analyzes the use of the -ing and -ndo forms in English and Spanish in sales contracts. More specifically, it aims to answer three questions: 1. Do the -ing and the -ndo forms occur more frequently in sales contracts than in general language? 2. Do English sales contracts contain more… read more