Joan L. Bybee

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joan L. Bybee plays a role.

Book series

Complex Sentences in Grammar and Discourse: Essays in honor of Sandra A. Thompson

Edited by Joan L. Bybee and Michael Noonan

[Not in series, 110] 2002. viii, 363 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Frequency and the Emergence of Linguistic Structure

Edited by Joan L. Bybee and Paul J. Hopper

[Typological Studies in Language, 45] 2001. vii, 492 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Psycholinguistics | Typology

Essays on Language Function and Language Type: Dedicated to T. Givón

Edited by Joan L. Bybee, John Haiman and Sandra A. Thompson

[Not in series, 82] 1997. vi, 480 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Theoretical linguistics | Typology

Modality in Grammar and Discourse

Edited by Joan L. Bybee and Suzanne Fleischman

[Typological Studies in Language, 32] 1995. viii, 575 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Functional linguistics | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics | Syntax | Typology
Subjects Morphology | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Bowern, Claire, Hiram L. Smith, Ailis Cournane, Joan L. Bybee, Ted Supalla and Brian D. Joseph 2024 Diachrony and Diachronica: 40@40Diachronica 41:5, pp. 719–731 | Editorial
Bybee, Joan L. 2014 Analytic and holistic processing 
in the development of constructionsLanguage in Interaction: Studies in honor of Eve V. Clark, Arnon, Inbal, Marisa Casillas, Chigusa Kurumada and Bruno Estigarribia (eds.), pp. 303–314 | Article
A corpus analysis over several decades of American English shows the development of the minor construction from an idiom: not have two Xs to rub together. The sequence of developments indicates that the loss of compositionality and analyzability of the construction is heavily influenced by context… read more
Bybee, Joan L. 2012 Patterns of lexical diffusion and articulatory motivation for sound changeThe Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, production, and social factors, Solé, Maria-Josep and Daniel Recasens (eds.), pp. 211–234 | Article
Patterns of lexical diffusion can serve as important diagnostics for the source of sound change. The most common lexical diffusion pattern for sound change is from high frequency words to low frequency words. This pattern is consistent with an articulatory source for change, as compared to a… read more
Bybee, Joan L. and Rena Torres Cacoullos 2009 The role of prefabs in grammaticization: How the particular and the general interact in language changeFormulaic Language: Volume 1. Distribution and historical change, Corrigan, Roberta, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.), pp. 187–218 | Chapter
Studies of grammaticization often reveal skewed distributions of lexical items in grammaticizing constructions, suggesting the presence of prefabs using these constructions. We examine here the role of prefabs in the grammaticization of can in English and the progressive estar ‘be (located)’ +… read more
Bybee, Joan L. 2002 4. Sequentiality as the basis of constituent structureThe Evolution of Language out of Pre-language, Givón, T. and Bertram F. Malle (eds.), pp. 109–134 | Chapter
Bybee, Joan L. and Michael Noonan 2002 IntroductionComplex Sentences in Grammar and Discourse: Essays in honor of Sandra A. Thompson, Bybee, Joan L. and Michael Noonan (eds.), pp. vii–viii | Miscellaneous
Bybee, Joan L. 2001 Frequency effects on French liaisonFrequency and the Emergence of Linguistic Structure, Bybee, Joan L. and Paul J. Hopper (eds.), pp. 337–360 | Article
Bybee, Joan L. and Paul J. Hopper 2001 Introduction to frequency and the emergence of linguistic structureFrequency and the Emergence of Linguistic Structure, Bybee, Joan L. and Paul J. Hopper (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Article
Bybee, Joan L. 1999 Usage-based Phonology [Functionalist phonology position paper]Functionalism and Formalism in Linguistics: Volume I: General papers, Darnell, Michael, Edith A. Moravcsik, Michael Noonan, Frederick J. Newmeyer and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.), pp. 211–242 | Article
Bybee, Joan L., Paromita Chakraborti, Dagmar Jung and Joanne Scheibman 1998 Prosody and Segmental Effect Some Paths of Evolution for Word StressStudies in Language 22:2, pp. 267–314 | Article
This study reports on a significant negative association found in a cross-linguistic sample between the degree of predictability of word stress from a word boundary and the extent to which stress has segmental effects. In other words, in a given language the less predictable stress is from the… read more
Bybee, Joan L. 1997 Semantic Aspects of Morphological TypologyEssays on Language Function and Language Type: Dedicated to T. Givón, Bybee, Joan L., John Haiman and Sandra A. Thompson (eds.), pp. 25–38 | Article
Bybee, Joan L. 1995 The Semantic Development of Past Tense Modals in EnglishModality in Grammar and Discourse, Bybee, Joan L. and Suzanne Fleischman (eds.), pp. 503–518 | Article
Bybee, Joan L. 1994 Asymmetries in tense and aspect systemsPerspectives on Grammaticalization, Pagliuca, William (ed.), pp. 235–254 | Article
Bybee, Joan L. 1991 Natural morphology: the organization of paradigms and language acquisitionCross Currents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory, Huebner, Thom and Charles A. Ferguson (eds.), pp. 67–92 | Article
Bybee, Joan L., William Pagliuca and Revere D. Perkins 1991 Back to the futureApproaches to Grammaticalization: Volume II. Types of grammatical markers, Traugott, Elizabeth Closs and Bernd Heine (eds.), pp. 17–58 | Article
Bybee, Joan L., William Pagliuca and Revere D. Perkins 1990 On the asymmetries in the affixation of grammatical materialStudies in Typology and Diachrony: Papers presented to Joseph H. Greenberg on his 75th birthday, Croft, William A., Suzanne Kemmer and Keith Denning (eds.), pp. 1–42 | Article
Bybee, Joan L. and Östen Dahl 1989 The Creation of Tense and Aspect Systems in the Languages of the WorldStudies in Language 13:1, pp. 51–103 | Article
Bybee, Joan L. 1987 Review of Dahl (1985): Tense and Aspect SystemsStudies in Language 11:2, pp. 447–458 | Review
Bybee, Joan L. and William Pagliuca 1987 The evolution of future meaningPapers from the 7th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Giacalone Ramat, Anna, Onofrio Carruba and Giuliano Bernini (eds.), pp. 109–122 | Article