Karen Zagona

List of John Benjamins publications for which Karen Zagona plays a role.


Features and Interfaces in Romance: Essays in honor of Heles Contreras

Edited by Julia Herschensohn, Enrique Mallén and Karen Zagona

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 222] 2001. xiv, 302 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Zagona, Karen and Heles Contreras 2017 Spanish participial adjectives and individual-level/stage-level interpretations in nominalsBoundaries, Phases and Interfaces: Case studies in honor of Violeta Demonte, Fernández-Soriano, Olga, Elena Castroviejo Miró and Isabel Pérez-Jiménez (eds.), pp. 279–304 | Chapter
This article addresses the well-known restriction on stage-level readings of pre-nominal predicative adjectives in Spanish. We argue that this restriction is due to a structural difference between ‘direct modifiers’ and ‘indirect modifiers’ as has been previously proposed in the literature (Demonte… read more
Zagona, Karen 2015 Location and the estar/ser alternationNew Perspectives on the Study of Ser and Estar, Pérez-Jiménez, Isabel, Manuel Leonetti and Silvia Gumiel-Molina (eds.), pp. 147–172 | Article
This article is concerned with the syntactic factors that underlie the Spanish ser ‘BESER’/estar ‘BEESTAR’ alternation. In line with recent studies which have argued that a prepositional feature is crucial to the alternation, it is argued here following Zagona (2012) that a syntactic process of… read more
Zagona, Karen 2007 ‘Adjunct theta-roles’ and the configurational determination of rolesPhrasal and Clausal Architecture: Syntactic derivation and interpretation, Karimi, Simin, Vida Samiian and Wendy K. Wilkins (eds.), pp. 396–411 | Article
In this paper, I discuss “quasi-argument” thematic roles (Instrument, Benefactive and certain Locations), and argue on the basis of their reconstruction properties and their dependence on event-related features that we should analyze them as generated in the event-related functional projections for… read more
Zagona, Karen 2007 On the syntactic features of epistemic and root modalsCoreference, Modality, and Focus: Studies on the syntax–semantics interface, Eguren, Luis and Olga Fernández-Soriano (eds.), pp. 221–236 | Article
Zagona, Karen 1999 Voice and AspectGrammatical Analyses in Basque and Romance Linguistics: Papers in honor of Mario Saltarelli, Franco, Jon A., Alazne Landa and Juan Martín (eds.), pp. 279–294 | Article