Henk Zeevat

List of John Benjamins publications for which Henk Zeevat plays a role.


Perspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium

Edited by Peter Kühnlein, Hannes Rieser and Henk Zeevat

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 114] 2003. xii, 400 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semantics


Zeevat, Henk 2011 Bayesian interpretation and Optimality TheoryBidirectional Optimality Theory, Benz, Anton and Jason Mattausch (eds.), pp. 191–220 | Article
The paper explores the consequences of reinterpreting OT pragmatics of Zeevat (2009) as a Bayesian account of natural language interpretation, not unlike Bayesian accounts of vision. In such accounts, a model of the most probable interpretations in the context is combined with a model of NL… read more
Zeevat, Henk 2010 Optimal interpretation for rhetorical relationsConstraints in Discourse 2, Kühnlein, Peter, Anton Benz and Candace L. Sidner (eds.), pp. 35–60 | Article
This paper explores the use of a simple and computational optimality theoretic pragmatics (OT pragmatics, OTP) to the analysis of the rhetorical structure of texts. It introduces this variant of OTP briefly and then shows that it can be applied to explain coherence, rhetorical relations, discourse… read more
Kühnlein, Peter, Hannes Rieser and Henk Zeevat 2003 Perspectives on dialogue in the New MillenniumPerspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium, Kühnlein, Peter, Hannes Rieser and Henk Zeevat (eds.), pp. vii–xii | Miscellaneous