Ana Celia Zentella

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ana Celia Zentella plays a role.


The languages we study, as well as their speakers and our students, would benefit from a re-imagined approach to linguistics – one that underscores the historical, social, and political contexts surrounding the structures we investigate. Particularly for LatinUs and others whose ways of speaking… read more
Zentella, Ana Celia 2016 Spanglish: Language politics vs el habla del puebloSpanish-English Codeswitching in the Caribbean and the US, Guzzardo Tamargo, Rosa E., Catherine M. Mazak and M. Carmen Parafita Couto (eds.), pp. 11–35 | Article
Puerto Rico has been linked to Spanglish – both the style of speaking and the label – since the term was coined by a famous island detractor in 1948. More recently, Puerto Rican poets and linguists have been in the vanguard against purported “friends” unaware of the linguistic facts, against the… read more
Otheguy, Ricardo, Ana Celia Zentella and David Livert 2010 Generational differences in pronominal usage in Spanish reflecting language and dialect contact in a bilingual settingLanguage Contact: New perspectives, Norde, Muriel, Bob de Jonge and Cornelius Hasselblatt (eds.), pp. 45–62 | Article
The alternation between presence and absence of subject personal pronouns in Spanish is studied in the bilingual setting of New York City with data extracted from the Otheguy-Zentella corpus. The speech of newcomers to NYC shows that the Caribbean and the Latin American Mainland resemble each other… read more
Zentella, Ana Celia 2008 PrefaceBilingualism and Identity: Spanish at the crossroads with other languages, Niño-Murcia, Mercedes and Jason Rothman (eds.), pp. 3–9 | Preface
Otheguy, Ricardo and Ana Celia Zentella 2007 15. Apuntes preliminares sobre el contacto lingüístico y dialectal en el uso pronominal del español en Nueva YorkSpanish in Contact: Policy, Social and Linguistic Inquiries, Potowski, Kim and Richard Cameron (eds.), pp. 275–295 | Article
This paper investigates the alternation of null and pronominal subjects across six dialects and various generations of Spanish speakers in New York City. Although past research of this variable has found virtually no social conditioning, a close analysis revealed a pattern of social influence… read more