Mickson Mazuruse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mickson Mazuruse plays a role.


Wasosa, Wellington and Mickson Mazuruse 2023 (Un)packaging the “sweetness” in the naming of farms by resettled Black sugarcane farmers in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe: A study of selected namesNaming and Labelling Contexts of Cultural Importance in Africa, Nassenstein, Nico, Sambulo Ndlovu and Svenja Völkel (eds.), pp. 176–190 | Article
This chapter makes a socio-onomastic analysis of farm naming by resettled “Black” sugarcane farmers in Chiredzi District, Zimbabwe. It focuses on the beneficiaries of the Fast Track Land Reform Programme initiated by the government from 2000. The research unravels the motives behind the… read more