Andrea Calabrese

List of John Benjamins publications for which Andrea Calabrese plays a role.


Loan Phonology

Edited by Andrea Calabrese and W. Leo Wetzels

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 307] 2009. vii, 273 pp.
Subjects Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
Calabrese, Andrea 2015 Locality effects in Italian verbal morphologyStructures, Strategies and Beyond: Studies in honour of Adriana Belletti, Di Domenico, Elisa, Cornelia Hamann and Simona Matteini (eds.), pp. 97–132 | Article
The paper deals with the irregular morphology in Italian perfect and past participle forms. In these forms, one observes a correlation between presence vs. absence of regular morphology and presence vs. absence of thematic vowels. The paper argues that athematic forms undergo a special operation… read more
Calabrese, Andrea 2013 The irregular forms of the Italian “Passato Remoto”: A synchronic and diachronic analysisRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2011: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Utrecht 2011, Baauw, Sergio, Frank Drijkoningen, Luisa Meroni and Manuela Pinto (eds.), pp. 17–58 | Article
Many Italian verbs display complex alternations involving regular/irregular stem forms in the simple past tense, the so-called Passato Remoto. Vogel (1994), Pirelli and Battista (2000), Maiden (2005, 2010) among many others, including traditional neo-grammarian and structuralist accounts, assume… read more
Calabrese, Andrea 2009 Perception, production and acoustic inputs in loanword phonologyLoan Phonology, Calabrese, Andrea and W. Leo Wetzels (eds.), pp. 59–114 | Article
Calabrese, Andrea and W. Leo Wetzels 2009 Loan phonology: Issues and controversiesLoan Phonology, Calabrese, Andrea and W. Leo Wetzels (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
Calabrese, Andrea 2003 On the Evolution of the Short High Vowels of Latin into RomanceRomance Linguistics: Theory and Acquisition, Pérez-Leroux, Ana Teresa and Yves Roberge (eds.), pp. 63–94 | Article
Calabrese, Andrea 2000 The Feature [Advanced Tongue Root] and Vowel Fronting in RomancePhonological Theory and the Dialects of Italy, Repetti, Lori (ed.), pp. 59–88 | Article