Many languages distinguish numeral classifiers in their grammar systems categorizing nominals in terms of their inherent nature, such as animacy, shape, form, and arrangement. Kazakh, a Turkic language of Central Asia, distinguishes numeral classifiers, which are used in numeral classifier… read more
The article describes the superlative, hyperlative and elative use of formally possessive constructions in a number of Turkic languages from a comparative perspective, analyzing their structural and semantic types and pragmatic properties. Similar possessive superlative constructions are found all… read more
Case systems in Siberian Turkic are an excellent example for studying paradigm change between continuity and innovation. In spite of all shared and individual innovations and developments, the core of the Proto-Turkic case paradigm remains stable here. Most innovations in Turkic case paradigms of… read more
This paper gives an overview of South Siberian Turkic biverbal constructions with auxiliary verbs of existence, location, posture and motion and their grammaticalization ways. Their lexical component bears markers of non-finite verb forms; their auxiliary component gets finite morphology. They… read more