Dale Hample
List of John Benjamins publications for which Dale Hample plays a role.
Fool them before they fool you: An investigation of Bulgarian cultural inclinations, motivations, understandings, and emotional reactions to interpersonal arguing Journal of Argumentation in Context 13:3, pp. 400–427 | Article
2024 Bulgarian people have a long history and an enduring national identity, significantly defined by their continuing allegiance to Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Here we investigate how Bulgarians understand the prospect of interpersonal argument. Our instruments assess Bulgarians’ arguing… read more
How do Chilean seniors think about arguing? Their motivations, understandings, and emotional registration of interpersonal arguing Journal of Argumentation in Context 10:2, pp. 202–225 | Article
2021 This project investigates orientations toward interpersonal arguing among Chilean seniors (N = 243), having a mean age of 72 years. We found no prior attention to seniors in the interpersonal arguing literature, and only a little to Chileans. Sited within the US framework for studying… read more
A Dutch dose of dissent: Exploring the role of gender, education, and culture on Dutch students’ argumentative predispositions Journal of Argumentation in Context 9:2, pp. 219–242 | Article
2020 The Dutch are often thought of as direct, verbally aggressive, and argumentative. Yet, evidence for this stereotype is lacking. This study explores argumentative predispositions in the Netherlands. In a survey, Dutch students’ (N = 133) argumentativeness, verbal aggressiveness, argument frames,… read more
Attachment style, serial argument, and taking conflict personally Interpersonal Argumentation, Weger, Jr, Harry (ed.), pp. 63–86 | Article
2015 Serial argument theory explains recurring conflict within personal relationships. The theory specifies that an arguer’s goals influence his/her tactics, leading to argument outcomes which include effects on the relationship. We extend this model in two ways. First we suggest that attachment styles… read more
Orientations toward interpersonal arguing in Chile Pragmatics 25:3, pp. 453–476 | Article
2015 This paper reports the first empirical results aiming to characterize argumentative practices in Chile. We described features of Chilean interpersonal arguing among university students, compared those results with others obtained in the United States, and also compared the associations among… read more
Serial arguments in organizations Journal of Argumentation in Context 1:3, pp. 312–330 | Article
2012 This research project substantially extends the reach of serial argument theory from its nearly exclusive application to close relationships, into the workplace. Data (N = 364) were gathered on general motivation to engage in a serial argument, specific goals, several tactics, and three outcome… read more
21. Inventional capacity Argumentation in Practice, Eemeren, Frans H. van and Peter Houtlosser (eds.), pp. 337–348 | Chapter