Tessa Mearns

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tessa Mearns plays a role.


CLIL and Bilingual Education in the Netherlands

Edited by Tessa Mearns and Rick de Graaff

Special issue of Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 7:2 (2018) vi, 158 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Studies of motivation in bilingual education settings often address questions of differences between learners in bilingual programmes and those in mainstream education. Problematic in this respect is our increasing awareness of the inherent differences between these two learner groups, as… read more
Kampen, Evelyn van, Tessa Mearns, Jacobiene Meirink, Wilfried Admiraal and Amanda Berry 2018 How do we measure up? A review of Dutch CLIL subject pedagogies against an international backdropCLIL and Bilingual Education in the Netherlands, Mearns, Tessa and Rick de Graaff (eds.), pp. 129–155 | Article
Research into the pedagogies employed by CLIL teachers has been limited to date and, as such, has been identified as a key area in need of further investigation (Pérez-Cañado, 2012; Dalton-Puffer & Smit, 2013). This review uses an elaborated 4Cs Analysis Framework (adapted from Coyle, Hood, &… read more
Mearns, Tessa and Rick de Graaff 2018 Bilingual education and CLIL in the Netherlands: The paradigm and the pedagogyCLIL and Bilingual Education in the Netherlands, Mearns, Tessa and Rick de Graaff (eds.), pp. 122–128 | Introduction
The Netherlands is often held up an example of a ‘success story’ in terms of practices and research regarding the teaching and learning of subject content in a second language (de Graaff & van Wilgenburg, 2015; Pérez-Cañado, 2012). Nearly 30 years after its initial beginnings, bilingual… read more
Research has suggested that motivation plays a significant role in language learning but that females tend to be more motivated language learners than males. Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) has been suggested as a means of narrowing this motivational gender gap, although there is… read more