Johan De Caluwé

List of John Benjamins publications for which Johan De Caluwé plays a role.


Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics: Second revised edition

Edited by René Dirven † and Marjolijn H. Verspoor

[Cognitive Linguistics in Practice, 1] 2004. xii, 277 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language

Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics

René Dirven † and Marjolijn H. Verspoor

[Cognitive Linguistics in Practice, 1 (1999)] 1999. xiv, 300 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language


Edited by Johan De Caluwé, André Hantson and Willy Vandeweghe

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 7] 1992. 195 pp.
Subjects Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
The third, fully revised version of the Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst (ANS), the main reference grammar of Dutch, aims to describe grammatical variation in the national standard varieties of Dutch. This paper investigates whether this pluricentric perspective is compatible with the… read more
De Caluwé, Johan 2012 Dutch in Belgium: Facing multilingualism in a context of regional monolingualism and Standard Language IdeologyStandard Languages and Multilingualism in European History, Hüning, Matthias, Ulrike Vogl and Olivier Moliner (eds.), pp. 259–282 | Article
Standardization of Dutch in Belgium (Flanders) was mainly a 20th century phenomenon, whereby the Dutch of the Netherlands was introduced as an exogenous model. The relation between standardization and multilingualism has changed over time. During the long 19th century, there was Dutch-French… read more
De Caluwé, Johan and Ariane van Santen 2003 2.1 Phonological, morphological and syntactic specifications in monolingual dictionariesA Practical Guide to Lexicography, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 71–82 | Chapter
De Caluwé, Johan and Johan Taeldeman 2003 2.5 Morphology in dictionariesA Practical Guide to Lexicography, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 114–126 | Chapter
De Caluwé, Johan 1992 Predication in Adverbial Adjuncts in DutchPredication, De Caluwé, Johan, André Hantson and Willy Vandeweghe (eds.), pp. 11–21 | Article
De Caluwé, Johan, André Hantson and Willy Vandeweghe 1992 IntroductionPredication, De Caluwé, Johan, André Hantson and Willy Vandeweghe (eds.), pp. 7–9 | Miscellaneous