Hans J. Ladegaard

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hans J. Ladegaard plays a role.


Previous language attitude research in Hong Kong compared Hong Kong English (HKE) to exonormative standard Englishes, whereas this study uses five varieties of HKE with more or less localised features. One hundred English language teachers were listener judges in a verbal-guise experiment, and… read more
Ladegaard, Hans J. 2017 Chapter 23. ‘We’re only here to help’: Identity struggles in foreign domestic helper narrativesIdentity Struggles: Evidence from workplaces around the world, Van De Mieroop, Dorien and Stephanie Schnurr (eds.), pp. 427–444 | Chapter
This chapter draws on a large corpus of life stories of foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Hong Kong. Narratives were recorded at a church shelter that provides temporary accommodation to domestic workers, and the analyses focus on the identity struggles the women are engaged in.… read more
This article analyzes how employees in a global business organization talk about their colleagues in other countries. Employees were asked to discuss their work practices in focus group settings, and give examples of how they experience ‘the other’. Using Discursive Psychology and Politeness… read more
Ladegaard, Hans J. 2011 Stereotypes in the making: Prejudice and cultural generalizations in Hong Kong students’ discourseInstitutional Politeness in (South) East Asia, Bargiela, Francesca and Dániel Z. Kádár (eds.), pp. 133–158 | Article
This article analyzes how a group of Hong Kong students talk about people in other countries in an informal group discussion. The focus is on the discursive construction of outgroup stereotypes, and the analyses show that the attitudes discussed in the group are highly variable, even contradictory… read more